
When you are exporting your product you need to adapt it to your target market, there are regulations I get it, it’s business 101. But it’s a little patronizing that they are going to such lenghts just for some cleavages and bikinis.

The west if so afraid of boobs and ages of imaginary characters, but it’s totally ok with gore, violence and gun porn.

Now we only have to wait until 5 minutes before the Sun goes supernova to see the ending of “One Piece”.

It’s good for their PR in China i guess?

Obvious troll is obvious, come on don’t feed him.

Another remastering... buying an xbox one and ps4 looks extremly wasteful now

Then... dont buy it? I dont see the problem here

Ironic image

A real pair of striped panties would have been better.

Metroplex :'(

Well the books are still the canon, the tv series is like a mad fanfiction, enjoyable but that’s it. I’m still waiting for the next book, hopefully before the next pass of the halley’s comet.

Meanwhile in Mexico

Hahahahhaha god dammit hahahhaa

Yeah, buy tons of games (i’m sorry, licenses) you’re never gonna play

She’s the exact definition of “white people problems”

So, all this for stealing a demo? What kind of glue are these kids sniffing?

Let’s not take china in a serious consideration, they consume anything hollywood throws at them. They loved those terrible Transformers movies for Christ’s sake!

Dude, never buy a console day one, you’re just a beta tester if you do that. There will always be a better deal months later (or in this case years).