To all of those people complaining, don't forget, you once were (and arguably still are) a crying offspring too.
To all of those people complaining, don't forget, you once were (and arguably still are) a crying offspring too.
Let me tell you a story.
Actually, what I find more annoying is the reactions by some adults to kids being on a plane. The sheer unbridled anger displayed by some people at the mere sight of a child on a plane is, frankly, disturbing. I'm not saying all people do this, or even many. But I have been on planes where someone is boarding and…
I was going to write this, too. I'm also 6'4" and recently had someone put their seat back onto my knees during the ascent. The guy was a dick about it too so I slowly lifted my heels up and then moved my legs so he dropped an inch suddenly. He looked back at me, I said I moved my knees, seat went up, we had a…
Yeah, because us parents should just stay the hell home, never see anything else in the world, not visit family and friends...
I concur.
Fortunately as long as you are driving backwards, they wont ticket you.
Public shaming should be used for Drunk Driving Offenders everywhere. Nothing pushes change as much as peer/colleague pressure.
am I too late for the 5'o clock free crack giveaway?
Sorry, I should have actually watched the video before commenting on the GIF. Yes, dumbass, they are going backwards.
I wonder if his status will be elevated after he returns to work.
Love the wagon. The truck needs a lower stance and more manly grille styling. The Model S headlights and grille don't work for a truck. Tesla could basically take the Holden Ute and electrify it for me :)
Hahaha you are so right.
Unfortunately my father learned this the hard way, few winters ago as he was leaving an hour after coming back home for lunch the car engine produced the most horrible sound and shrieked to a stop, when he opened the hood there was a bleeding car tail stuck in the engine belt. He had to get the car towed to the shop.…
Yeah, I knew someone who killed their own cat by accident because it snuggled up in their car in the garage in the winter. My own cat Stewie was found as a stray kitten in winter, and part of his ear, snout, and paws were burned from previously climbing into a warm car. His whiskers were melted on one side. I cleaned…