Juan Cena

Born in the USA is darker album than its sunny, arena-rock reputation makes it out to be as well.

Drake’s dating Vanessa Williams?

Not surprised Mark Richt still says his son, David is still his favorite artist.

Tom Herman’s favorite musician: Michael Jackson.

“Coke sucks”

That’s really something Burke needs to investigate.

“Tim Allen sold Coca-Cola Here”

Joey never realized how stupid he was, did he?

“A Day in the Life” was a big deal in the US when I was younger. Tastes change, I guess.

Has the staff considered putting the political stuff on a sidebar? I just want to get to the sports stuff faster.

Oh well, Cubes will always have Dirk.

The stadium may have more to do with the majority of Cobb County voters voting for Clinton than Trump’s being a bigoted misogamist  did.

Where’s the Williams-Sonoma gift card?

“That’s not appropriate, Kristaps”

I have nothing but hate for Winnipeg, the Jets, the Jets ownership, and the former Thrashers ownership that never really gave a crap about the team (only having been forced to by the Thrashers as part of the deal to get the Hawks) who sold the Thrashers to someone who wanted to move the team even though there were

David Pollack tried spiking his salmon once at Georgia. Mark Richt caught him and made him run the bleachers at Stanford Stadium for an hour.