yes but i keep my nachos in the closet.

hopefully they pay cash ring it up the cheap way and pocket the difference

theres nothing wrong with labelling since its clearly a scallop burger


queen amidala's ascension blaster:

I had no idea that they sold cars without spares. Now that I know I think its cheap, stupid, and lamentable. In most cases I don't even think donuts serve as satisfactory spares.

1. Agreed because any money on a windows machine is too much money. Also company desktop do you think if I could pick it would be a 3,000 Dell?
2. Yes Macs crash and yes they can crash as hard but they don't do it as often.

I also have a windows system as my media centre. It works fine.

what do you do?

It is totally possible that the system was a mess. Drivers were fine, I checked them. I often ran a web browser, premier, and some combination of indesign, illustrator, photoshop, flash, bridge, and VLC all at once. That is a demanding workload but it was a $3000 computer, 16mb ram, can't recall processor but decent.

thats a good one. We learned stala-C-tites are in the Ceiling, stalla-G-mites are in the Ground.

Here is something you could actually 3D print. Attach to an LED bulb. Save a couple hundred

More than half of Americans have no idea what:

or Rubles are

if you have to use this everyday to run anything other MS Office, you wouldn't think its a joke. I've lost many labour hours from windows crashing.

Can you give me an example of when science journalism exhibits bias? I'm just trying to understand your concerns.

beer can be flat for a number of reasons but id say you need more than a week to bottle carb

yea! "nice" packaging is a whole industry in itself. There are companies who intentionally have complex, more expensive boxes (apple, jambox, mrs vickies).

design to manufacture issues can be sorted by bright minds. Its tricky but its not putting people on another planet.

The challenges behind an idea aren't any reason to snub it 0/10, and just because it isn't what you need in a box doesn't mean others can't use it. Its a good idea at its core - an easier to open box that doesn't get ripped to shit without a knife to cut the tape. 5/10 at least with potentially higher score if these

Doesn't really have a very nice sound, does it?