will power

please do. I have good days where I can lay a bead down like its caulking and bad days where my welds are popping, splattering, not sticking and not flowing. I'd love to know what the issue is.

I bought a car with no title ("ownership" over here). Wasn't a big deal, produced a receipt and swore an affidavit and that was it.

at night with tracer rounds please

im not sure there is any repair i can't handle

I had triple A. Waited 2+ hours in a Starbucks 3 blocks from my house with a flat in a snowstorm on the way to work. Called 3 times, each time "just 25 more minutes sir." I had a meeting, was gonna be late, so I changed it myself. Phone rings, its AAA "we are here, where are you?" "Did it myself, I'm cancelling AAA."

the only time I've taken my shirt off to fix a car I was doing body work - hand sanding and it was friggen hot. I was so dirty i bought some walmart undershirts to finish the job.

In Canada public radio is left leaning. So I think that the liberal hipster dipshits producing and listening to NPR look around their peer group and think "hey, this is nothing like the fake Norman Rockwell nostalgia I think I know everything about because I saw that cool retro design expo that one time and there was

My 72 Spitfire and 63 Rambler get loads of attention from women. "You drive that? REALLY?!? This out what we are going to the beach in! Coool!"

There are some women who fetishize my friends' muscle cars, Jeeps, or lifted trucks. But they almost all like small convertible sports cars.

ld have tied it to a string or something, so that when inverted it dangled in front of her

how did he get the home video of my 6th grade science project?

what is a "land-line" telephone?

Kind of reminds me of the end of game summary in CIV games

keep looking

everywhere except the USA

a stupid idea that will ruin every head you put it into

Because in order to educate and feed in safety, you need to be the best blower upper

Canada. Ontario.

to be brief: measuring is done by tools. A certain type of tools called "measuring tools"

A ruler is a tool even by your definition. As a design tool it is used to draw a straight line of a certain length, not just take measurements. I use one regularly to draw out body panels. It has a problem solving, creative function and is instrumental in making certain repairs or constructions.