I’ll take “Things I never thought I’d say about a Camry” for $200 Alex.
I’ll take “Things I never thought I’d say about a Camry” for $200 Alex.
Oh I can see it now...
I heard the real reason the tent had to go was it punched one of the shows producers.
$4000.00 leaves me with just enough cash to buy a sawzall, so I can cut all that hideous crap off!
“the regularly mowed lawn is a recent invention”
Heaven forbid we evolve as consumers... excuse me while I go hand pump some water from my well, kill a chicken for supper and fix the door on the outhouse.
I did enjoy the article though.
“FIELDS isn’t just a car guy with a classic car—he’s refreshingly aggressive, infamously saying ....”
Typo? Wasn’t this Farley?
I do like these cars, but...
I think you mean birch?
I believe this to be the best photo ever taken of a Yugo... it was at night.
I can see it now.
Right. WWE Wrestlers wear speedos with Skittles in them. #SteroidsAreBad
I would normally lean towards C/P due to the unique hurdles this type of project will have to overcome, but since I’m sitting at work a few miles from where this car was manufactured I’m going to throw reason out the window and go with Nice Price.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
Mustang wipe-outs are not bigger in Texas.
Sarcasm is used so frequently by Jalopnik writers I’m starting to have difficulty telling when they are serious. That thing is u-g-l-y.
You must have good rear brakes on these cars. That’s were the front crumple-zone ends.
While I expect you didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but the MAJORITY of Nascar fans are “not representative of the Nascar stereotype.”
So many bad experiences flying with Air Canada (or Air Can’t-ada as I call them). And I’m sure you know their motto “We’re not happy, until you’re unhappy”.
No. I have not. I will check it out if you promise my brain won’t explode.