
Banning a free to play game - anytime.

Origin? Nty. I'm not hyped enough for the game to make an origin account.

Kinja be damned.

This is the pic best I've seen in a while. Winner. Grats.

We've got our whole class in roman togas, drinking wine and eating grapes on our class photo from the last grade.

Apparently I'm really missing something; can't get both your meme and your response. Whatever. Sorry.

Isn't it... nOstalgia?

Yeah. First few were fun to watch, but they've been taking it personal for quite some time now. Don't like this


Plague Inc. is a remake of an online Flash-based game. I used to play it years ago (something like 5 or 6).

Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC (still not finished since October!)

?! That's... quite a bit.

The only reason for this is the fact that the F2P in TF2 is not a core element and therefore not annoying.

It's genius nonetheless

So give them some tech award, but not best art direction or innovation. C'mon, improving compatibility for an 8 year old console is not innovative. This has been done... for exactly 8 years.

I agree. Last of Us did literally nothing new when it comes to storytelling, art direction or anything. Yes, it is an amazing game, but it perfected the components of the existing games. It didn't introduce anything.

I've got it, actually. Just haven't finished the main game yet... DLCs come after that. It's good for sure, just can't be cooler than fighting wizards with sword-shooting shotguns. Imo. :P

Haven't played Blood Dragon, but Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep clearly won my DLC of the year. No chance anything could beat it.