
It’s just good ol’ Cthulhu dealing with constipation again.

You didn’t murder Simon? You’re the spouse! IT’S ALWAYS THE SPOUSE!! Passionate, murder, murder-passion!

So you get special powers for being gay? Seems legit.

Alternate last panel :

“Won’t feel ashamed” is a pretty odd choice of words for something nobody will wear outside their homes.

“Sorry if you expecting someone with her tits out. There are male sphinxes too, you know.”

I’m not even going to comment here, because there is nothing for me to say.

The directors behind it are from Radiant Historia and SMT Strange Journey. It is in good hands.

Implying it was fun before.

nice try, but no. As Stannis deals with his dead wife and a mutiny, there’s something that everyone has missed and no one is talking about; the snows melting, but winter hasn’t even started yet. We know Stannis is alive( G.R.R.Martin insists that unless you saw them die, they’re not dead, and that was quite the pull

HAHA...no, that’s just bullshit

hahaha wow what kind of fucked up reality do you live in, man?

For future reference never post the words Metroid and Debuts together in a title on the main page unless you mean it.

Man, these FNAF spin-offs are getting out of hand...

It’s so beautiful. They’ve suggested over the years that Harley Quinn was bisexual(with Mr. J being her main squeeze), but it’s great to see them just come right out with it.

It was inevitable that someday, someone would use Kickstarter to create a giant female robot. The backers are gonna be really disappointed at how this one turned out.