
I pause to read lore.

Now this is a holiday I can get behind.

Here you go:

Brilliant article.... If course, it doesn’t apply to me because I shall live forever....

Can we talk about these two?

...this time he speedruns through Fallout New Vegas on hardcore mode without eating, drinking, or sleeping.

That’s Angela, she was a Spawn character that Marvel...nevermind, you’re right.

I love that ‘white dudes mispronounce shit’ is an intregal part of our country’s founding.

Now playing

C’mon, it’s A Part of Our Heritage(tm). ;-)

Hey look, a burner account with hot takes on the quality of webcomics this week. Not like that ever happens.

Literally happening for every persona dancing game post..

Mikasa es Sukasa...

Wow, DirectX 12 is so realistic looking.

Oh yeah. That show with Jay Leno’s ghost. It made total sense magic beetle powers were hidden in a haunted house.

Now playing

But will every game developer use its newfound permabanning powers responsibly?

Clearly some kind of ninja trickery, as he looks just like most other anime character ever created.

Agreed. This game holds a sweet spot in my memories and if others ask for a recommendation, I’ll give it. However, it does stagnate if you’re familiar with the story and events. But its the little moments, such as the Night Springs shorts and the such that really tickle the romantic inside of me that I’ve attempted to


I stroll into the club like...