
In other news Bayonetta looks like Devil May Cry because they both have health bars and they both have a scoring system.

Sorry, but this article is kind of pointless. You might as well save time and say that all MMO’s look like World of Warcraft if noting similarities was your goal.

At any rate, I only care about two

No offense to either of these games, but most of the similarities noted are basically a result of some pretty generic design elements.

Ugh. This is some vivian james bullshit here.

Nothing! But if the first question that comes into your mind when talking to someone online about whom you know nothing other than that she’s a woman, that’s a problem.

Holy shit she could be Lymle’s (from SO4) sister. Even the name is sort of similar.
Guess this game is a no-go for me. I still get nightmares about how damn creepy Lymle was

They knew.

The Binary Helix station on Noveria was one of my favorite locales in the entire series. I never really noticed, but it definitely had a brutalist vibe about it, especially the lobby with all the concrete and fountains.

One of the things that really disappointed me about the later Mass Effect games was that they went from this amazing, brutalist, concrete, 1970s vision of the future to the general 'white plastic and glass' future that can be seen in all sci-fi from Minority Report onwards.

When LoL players get mad, they create art.



“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”

mmmmm.. can’t see it. Combusken looks more like a penis than this.

"If history doesn't care our degenerate friend Frye is his own grandfather, then who are we to judge?" Futurama.

Otsuka’s most iconic role to me is...

Sorry, I have to.

So I’ve been super excited (and disappointed when I thought it was canceled) over this game.
But now I’m a bit confused.

It doesn’t look like there are any SMT or FE characters in this game. So rather than an SMT x FE game, isn’t it more of a brand new game made by the developers of SMT and FE with some elements from


Oh my. That love line just was horrible, wasn't it?