
You didn't rike it!?

Ninja Gaiden NES remake leak...

Hang on, let me check the calendar.

Obviously PS1 can do 3D... but it seems to have inherent problems with 3D. Like how many polygons seem to be "skewed" to spite it supposed to be representing a regular grid system. Metal Gears Solid had loads of this, gratings would occasionally have some trapezoid shapes in a regular square and rectangle floor.

Seems kinda strange that the PS1 has a lower frame rate, a lower polygon count, and more "jaggies" than the N64 because of the VASTLY SUPERIOR quality of full motion videos on the PS1 than the N64. Also the fact that the CD-Rom of the PS1 could actually produce transparent images and the N64 could not.

It's also worth mentioning that at that point, many third parties were just sick of Nintendo. Moving a short while back into the NES era you can see that Nintendo had the market cornered and they took full advantage of that. If you wanted to release a game it had to be through Nintendo (For the NES era at least), and

Jesus stopped posting here /months/ ago!

Somebody call Kotaku Jesus!

*Sigh* Nobody knows their video game history anymore. I guess I'm going to have to write a book or something.

Kid, you don't even know how bad those fights got. You didn't have aanonymity to save your face from bruises; actual punches were thrown over these consoles.

Are you... are you trying to start a Genesis/SNES flame war in 2014?

This game really claws at your guts. It also emphasizes my belief that borders are arbitrary lines created by xenophobes and nationalists. Borders are just cruel and imply that if you're on the wrong side you're somehow less of a human being.

In my view. As a half-blind transsexual with a speech impediment; The unknown is full of possibilities. Most of that is good. Anything you can walk away from make you learn from it. There is no point to life because life is about to have fun. If you are having fun you have succeed. If you haven´t, you can try to

