The art style reminds of Batman Beyond!
The art style reminds of Batman Beyond!
I bet you're quite original at parties....
Well I was pretty much ready to smash open a PS4 controller for a mini Venus de Milo statue, but rational thinking is acceptable too....
Venus de Milo?.... Are they trying to say their controllers are pieces of art, more specifically miniature Venus de Milos?
I say that with nothing but love, of course. Fan insanity makes the world go round. Without crazy fans we wouldn't have Mother 3, or Project Eternity, or If not for rabid fans, the Xbox One might still have an online check-in requirement. Fan craziness is a good thing.
I don't think he was talking about himself but rather people who complain about core aspects of survival games.....
God, I hate Mako.........
This was playing in the background for some reason while I was watching this video...... And some how seemed like it fitted with the video allot more than what what was going on in it.
Reminds me of that car crash scene in Death Proof.........
I feel stupid thinking they were free too........ I'm a..... Gonna go lie down somewhere, continuing to feel stupid....
So I guess those Cheetos are gonna taste like gummy worms?
Maybe I should go back to printing money with my 3DS.........
ZA WARUDO!!!!!!!
Is that Dik dik van dik?!
Mewtwo x GANTZ hard suit?
wait a minute.... Persona Q, Persona cute......... Persona Qute!?
The cities I got were Pittsburgh(for what I call a carbonated drink), San Jose ( for having no drive through liquor stores), and Honolulu(for what I call a fresh water lobster).....
Not enough nipples.
Man, I reeeeally wanna get a Vita just so I could play Persona 4 and Soul Sacrifice..... But a man can dream though, a man can dream.......