
I'm there with you. I know I embarrass my family, so I have one "approved" outfit I wear when it's important not to. Otherwise, fuck it. Socks and sandels, work shorts and t-shirts. Whatever works.

You should read the massive discussion on this on IO9. The consensus is the fact you are having the problem means that image is working.

Donate those clothes. There are charity groups that would love you for giving clothes that could potentially be used for job interviews and court appearances.

If I could add, If you are going to something like Comic-con, bring an empty day bag you can fill for the day's events.

I can assure you there is plenty going on. Most of the other exhibits outside do not require anything to join, and there are other special events you can buy tickets for that do not require passes.

I have to do the following to get the change to work: Focus on one side of the dancer, or one part. If I want to see her spinning counter-clockwise, I stare at the right hand side. Clockwise left. If I want to switch, I close my eyes to reset them.

Why do I want to see this so badly.

Your name is actually coolteen? What was "NotReallyANarc" taken?

Nice to see Tom Green getting work again.

There have been a couple of commentary pieces on this site where they have dismissed the person writing the piece. That person was Jewish, but the commenter dismissed the article as "shit white people say."

Actually, on Gawker, Jews are considered white when insulting Jews for having a thought about race.

I am a grown man.

You ALL everybody.

I'll be honest, I found it hard to like Cole when I first started playing.

I'm really sorry you're going. I've always enjoyed your posts.

Hmm, considering the way I play, the PS+ service is beginning to look better and better.

This is "Spot the Narc"... right?

I will not read spoilers about how to get the babelfish in my ear.

Am I the only one who really liked the nature aspect of the first 2 Thief games?