I'm convinced this show is a con on all the people who want to believe they are watching an intelligent show.
I'm convinced this show is a con on all the people who want to believe they are watching an intelligent show.
This is my answer to that.
You should read the massive discussion on this on IO9. The consensus is the fact you are having the problem means that image is working.
I just put this on my netflix queue. Thanks for the suggestion.
Why not both?
Man, I feel for you. I get them occasionally, and man they are awful. I can't imagine having to do that every day.
Donate those clothes. There are charity groups that would love you for giving clothes that could potentially be used for job interviews and court appearances.
This needs to be what he hears every time he shows up at a convention, forever.
It's damn good, I could watch the Wikipedia one all day.
You see, I agree with you on Dali, and couldn't disagree more with you on Kubrick.
Let's just agree to disagree.
You mean like this?
Wow, the movie made him physically ill.
It's fair.
If I could add, If you are going to something like Comic-con, bring an empty day bag you can fill for the day's events.
I can assure you there is plenty going on. Most of the other exhibits outside do not require anything to join, and there are other special events you can buy tickets for that do not require passes.
That really is the problem with prophecy. It's open to too much interpretation.
Sorry, but the Red Keep already had a cat. It was a Targeryan cat, Balerion. I want that epilogue to be that wily fucker murdering Ser Pounce.
I can't imagine Euron's priest being as interesting though, can you?
Whoa, so if it taken literally, then Littlefinger is going to strangle her?