
I’m sure her lawyer-daddy is more than capable/willing to pay for said “dem titties”

See also: “Nothing good happens after midnight”

I actually am on conference calls with folks who are home with kids on a pretty daily basis.

Florida is an At-Will state, so they don’t need a reason to fire him.

Is it redeeming even a little to know that in areas where Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant is popular, teen pregnancy rates have declined measurably (ETA: read all the other comments saying the exact same thing before commenting. Doh!)?

I *wish* it was $1300.

I started with the pit in water!

I’m totally growing an avocado tree in my apartment. Lol

I had a prolife nut troll my personal FB page once, and he just. Wouldn’t. Stop. Commenting.

That was a hard enough story to read. I don’t know if I could watch it happen on-screen. :/

Heyo, folks.

The women of Texas who previously wouldn’t have had access to abortion care due to natural disaster thank you for your support, kind troll <3

Here with Receipts :D

In your honor, I am making a donation to Lilith Fund, and I encourage others reading this thread to do the same.

In your honor, I am making a donation to Lilith Fund, and I encourage others reading this thread to do the same.

That was my thought, too. If she’s convinced herself she can’t leave, then might as well make use of the time by trying to fix shit: therapy being the optimal path.

Then when things inevitably don’t get repaired, she can leave knowing she did absolutely everything she possibly could have and won’t have guilt around

It’s also not a criminal trial, so we must be clear in understanding that students involved in these complaints absolutely ARE given “Due Process”; however, the burden of proof is not “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt” like a criminal trial, but closer to what is used in civil cases (“the preponderance of the

Still less annoying than “sapiosexuals” (aka: 99% of the time straight dudes who don’t actually have a sexual orientation to “intelligence”. Just want to be able to sound so super fucking enlightened to the women they want to get into the sack)

I suppose it depends.

I was the kid of divorced parents. One did a lot of shit-talking, which seriously harmed my relationship with other parent (cause I was a kid, so of course I believed it).