
This fan game is really hard. A lot of the mechanics are too different from the original game that I’m having a hard time just getting to a level, whereas I can beat the original game in ~40 minutes. (A more-qualified speedrunner than me can beat the original in ~30 minutes.)

The reason for the limit is probably because of needing to input the code as a human. When a TAS is used, the full 128 KB of main RAM can be used - see, for example, the entire Super Mario Bros. being loaded into Super Mario World.

I have a repro cart of the Final Fantasy 5 fan translation as a souvenir - I was the reverse engineer in the project that made that fan translation. I got it on eBay a year ago.

I’ll stick to Super Mario World ROM hacks.

Hackers got SNES working on Old 3DS (“BlargSNES”), yet Nintendo can’t. It seems more like a lack of optimization effort.

Does Twilight Princess HD use the layout from the GameCube version or the Wii version? They were mirror images of each other.

Which direction is the world oriented? Is it like the GameCube version, designed for a left-handed Link, or is it like the Wii version, flipped to accommodate most players’ right-handedness?

Now playing

In 2013, I found a cheat code in the SNES game Breath of Fire 1 that had remained hidden for 20 years.

What’s interesting is that the most of the logic occurring in the calculator is for the display. The level “knows the answer” already in binary at the column in the picture labeled “As Bs Cs Ds”. The rest of the stuff to the right is just to calculate which line segments of the output to destroy with Bob-ombs.

I could just use the Wii U kernel exploit to cheat instead, with Nintendo having no way to stop that.

Valerie from Breath of Fire 2 was awesome, yeah. I wished that I could play as her instead of her son! =^-^=

Japan is finally getting the 2DS? Up until now, they hadn't gotten the 2DS.

The plates aren't region-locked, so just buy Japanese or European plates. You can often even find them from American online vendors.

It’s stupid, too. Square could’ve just changed the Excalibur II requirement to be 14 hours 24 minutes (~ 59.97/50 * 12) on the PAL version.

You can, if you hack your 3DS. Sad that hackers are doing this when Nintendo’s marketing team won’t...

Shadow Complex?


Here’s the best part: the puzzle has 4 solutions. Figuring out which of the four is “correct” would involve understanding the QR code format.

I suppose that you haven’t seen Picross before. A 25x25 puzzle takes some time, but it’s rather straightforward for someone who’s played Picross a lot.

The hashtag in question has only one K. I’d rather not repeat it here, since I don’t know how the bad word filter works for comments.