
If someone wrote me a "love letter" that started out with "The first time I seen you..." they would be immediately kicked to the curb.

That letter doesn't even register a 1 on the Overreacting Meter. The renters sound like Grand Canyon-size assholes.

Number of times I have gone anywhere and expected that I would cause some damage: 0. The Fuck.

"The landlord is COMPLETELY overreacting in addition to a complete fool for renting this house to kids in their twenties and not expecting minor damages to be done or people to be undoubtedly 'intoxicated,'" the young profesh wrote. "GET A GRIP LADY!"

The title of this article should be changed to "Asshole 20-somethings ruin landlord's home and don't understand what the big deal is because THEY ARE ASSHOLES"

I fucking hate people who use "party" as a verb. Except Eddie Murphy.

I love that argument: It's their fault for renting me the house (or lending me their car, getting me a cell phone, letting me house sit, etc. etc.).

Jesus christ. The gall on that woman sending you that email. How arrogant is she? SHE DESTROYED THAT POOR WOMAN'S HOUSE!

OMG, how cute. They totes thought we'd think the letter was overkill too.

Minor damages: the cat scratching up a corner of the baseboard.

Good lord, these people sound insufferable. I'd be pissed, too, if I were the homeowner. That said, I hope the 40K at least defrays most of the costs of repair/cleaning.

"We're in our 20's and we somehow have a ton of money, she should have known we would be dicks. OBVS!"

Exactly what I was wondering. Would like to continue the fashion week discussion I've been having on Twitter with folks about the Jez fashion week posts, but it's hard to when there aren't any images to look at and comment on/about.

Get in my closet! I must have you for an interview dress.

If i lifted 460 lbs i would make a bronze statue of me doing so and i would stare at it when i masturbate.

Also, how is Gawker related to anything old and academic?

Why the hell would a Dane Cook tweet be featured here? Especially one that's all dumb and body-judgey? WTF? I don't come to Jez to inadvertantly read shitheads being shitty. :-(

Just curious—so we're done with pants now? Should I go ahead and take mine off, then? I don't want to seem like I'm 'not with it' or 'uncool.' Thanks.

Ok slightly unrelated but I have a question for you all. My school hasn't had a football program in a while and they are bringing it back. So this fall they offered a "Ladies Football Clinic: Everything you've always wanted to know about football but were afraid to ask"
So that kind of pissed me off. Something about

GAWD these jokes are so fucking old and tired.