
Charles Darwin > Jane Austen. Nothing to do with gender, but it is all about sex.

I don't see why Scientology gets called out. Honestly, I don't find it any more silly than every other religion, and the people who believe in it are just as real as everyone else and still can have their feelings hurt by people joking about them. When it comes to religious jokes its all or nothing.

I'm imagining this to be a pumpkin macaron with cream cheese vanilla cardamom filling.

I'm not white, and I've lived up in areas that are mostly white all my life. Maybe it's because of this that I go about my life making friends with ANYONE, regardless of race. If she likes to do those activities, she should meet people within those groups. Not just look for a black friend who likes all those things

Let's first cast the idea of "strong enough" out the window.

"I doubt these people would be allowed to hand out condoms to little kids. But it's okay to talk to them about abortion without my permission?"

The English have this birthing shit down, man.

How'd you get that clown dumpster rate? That information violates dumpster-patient confidentiality.

Oh. Yeah. All the lulz when the punch line is deaf kids AMIRITE?

Near-sighted and anxious?!? Then I am a rhino too! From now on, when someone makes me anxious, I will charge at them bellowing like a rhino. "What, I was just following my natural animal instincts!"

I read that Rhinos aren't aggressive animals they just have really horrible eye sight and are really anxious animals so when something comes near it they charge the fuck out of it.

Aw...I'm sure RZA really misses Ol' Birty Dastard.

United is the worst. I duo always super nice to people, but they cancelled my international flight once and when I tried to reschedule it, they told me there was nothing they could do. Um, wrong! After 20 minutes of rigamarole, I lost it and what do you know? Flight rescheduled. Point is, United can make you lose it.

This mindset made me no friends on the Groupthink chatroom and I'm certain you will disagree with me, but I feel compelled to explain why yelling had been an effective tactic for me and I don't trust the effectiveness of kindness in the least.

I do not need to see any more mayonnaise enemas for the rest of my lifetime.

I feel like if I were a 12 year old boy, I would definitely masturbate to it... (assuming my parents had the appropriate internet controls on and this was my best option)

There is something that is way too sexual about the way their boobs almost touch here... I mean, ARE THEY TOUCHING? or not??

Wait? This is just for kids? *Puts away pliers*