
I'm blue.

I think you're on the right track, but I've always been partial to slogans that rhyme. Off the top of my head:

It's risky b-jays that put the "o" in oesophagus.

More like University of NSFW, amirite?

I just died. Thank you. We need to give this to every idiot who contributes nothing by inserting their own tangential preference to the discussion. How did this guy even get out of the grey?

OP, I think a big part of the backlash you're finding is because you made a very pervasive mistake - you came onto a post about health risks women can face because of beauty products and voiced (or requested input on) your own aesthetic preferences in how women present themselves. That's turning a conversation that

And often times they don't, and furthermore, it's extremely irrelevant information. Why do we need to know what ChildrenoftheKoRn there prefers? I'm really tired of being spoken to about men's preferences and how they can see a woman's inner beauty and all that, it's just more pressure on a woman to look the way a man

No idea. No one can see it.

It could've been a lot worse. Better camo than stars and bars.

Ladies be fabulous.

I don't trust any so-called "authority" who doesn't know the difference between a grocery aisle and a grocery isle, which one can only assume is a small island made of groceries. Make sure to bring your own bags and as you can imagine, the parking sucks.


I'll stick with my menstrual cup, thanks.

I can't say this enough. Diva Cups, Diva Cups, Diva Cups, forever and ever, amen!

Janelle needs help and I really hope she gets it before it's too late. But god damn if I don't love me some Barbara.

There are 3 distinct possibilities:

I am officially starting every sentence with, "Sorry losers and haters...".