Think about this next time you fail to parallel park.
The auto brightness setting on my iphone is utter shit, so hell, not a single fuck given.
Oh yeah, for that price the should totally add a chrome apple.
Well, they did by Apple, so shitty-ness is not an issue as long as the turd is polished and encased in aluminum.
Listen, console-fans. Most games today are a stinking port from console to PC. Badly done, and buggy, we PC gamers have to cope with it. Don't get all butthurt because a site said a game is better on PC for once.
4chan is not just /b/. Most of the site is incredibly useful and hilarious. /b/ has gone down the drain.
Fucking 9gag. All of what is wrong with the internet, condensed under one IP.
Yesterday Giz ran an article on finding if we live in a simulation by finding limits in the universe.
I hope those are bellybutons.
Well to be honest we could be living in a simulation.
I think some energy drink company is. 5 Hour Energy drink sounds like it.
If I ever, ever use a title like this one, for anything I write, and it makes sense, I can die a happy writer.
't was... really.
It's a feature.
Dammit chavez... Dammit!
In my country, once Ipay, I'm fucked.
No shit sherlock.
What if I'm one sadistic asshole... I can't post?
if (person) {