I don't know man. I always carry a pair of kitchen scissors to avoid embarassing moments.
I don't know man. I always carry a pair of kitchen scissors to avoid embarassing moments.
I love how the Sleep strip is the same color as the Meeting strip. Also, too much TV.
The Tissot Touch already did this. It was an analog watch with a touch sensitive rim. The hands would move around to switch from watch, to chronometer, to altitude meter, barometer, compass...
Cook... Let's do it.
Is it weird if I already knew about all of these things?
A bit...
That would make a good artsy video... something that you'd put on vimeo rather than youtube.
Fuck, you could probably play a scaled down skyrim on that...
What the hell is it wit all these Apple fanatism on Giz lately?
Why is JPL whoring itself for money?
I bet that the three of you who saw it will find that hilarious.
I hope so. Computer games are only being held back in every possible sens of the word, by the existance of nsoles.
Generic chinese portable DVD player. Paid almost 200 bucks, and the shitty thing's battery wouldn't even last through a movie.
Well, TA-Fucking-DA.
A goat and a step stool could replace at least six of this items... I leave to your imagination which/how.
Well, I had to go through some shit, man... Pay is crap, benefits are shitty, but still, it's a job.
Sir, I am from the anal sand bureau, and we have reports on the sand content of your anal cavity exceding maximum standards.
That remind me of the time I hooked up my hamster to a car battery to try an make a pikachu. My brother thought I was playing with Lego Guantanamo.
I do not have professional expereince, I'm just a real dedicated amateur. I love cooking, and I try to do as much of it right as I can....