In other news, Paris Hilton is trying to bid on the rocket, she told us she needed it as, and we quote, "...this dildo isn't doing it for me anymore."
In other news, Paris Hilton is trying to bid on the rocket, she told us she needed it as, and we quote, "...this dildo isn't doing it for me anymore."
You should have fireants injected in your eyes.
Moron. Natural selection would have happened if they had somehow killed themselves before reproducing, possibly while trying to have sex inside a washing machine.
At the optometris conference:
I see you have an eye for puns then.
I can't see the point of this.
This is retarded.
Size reference probably.
I'm just an anon... maybe you have seen my S&W 32 thread, where I asked them to identify my grandfathers gun.
Are you a komarade? Awesome.
This things are much more powerful that you would think.
His epiletptic roomate is not nearly as impressed as we are with the Party Button.
Gtng rpd! Lolz! omg he haz gun!
The resamblance is uncanny.