
Wow. I thought they were gone. I thought most of the cheap mall stores from my youth were gone. I'd give anything for an early 90s Contempo Casuals.

Never mind that she appears to be using the Blackberry at times when it would be inconvenient to be at a desktop of even laptop. If you don't consider a Blackberry or iPhone to be a computer (which, of course, they are) then you would have to assume that she's not actually on a computer in her office in order to

It doesn't link to the VF page because Jezebel fucked up the link, whether intentionally for page views or unintentionally for stupider reasons.

This I can accept.

Vanity Fair isn't presenting this as real. There's a gigantic "humor" graphic right next to the headline.

It's satire. If Jezebel had bothered to correctly link to the source you would be taken to Vanity Fair's humor section. It's clearly a joke. The only question is why Jezebel is pretending otherwise. If they had created it themselves they could get away with calling it satire but since there's not even a vague wink in

I think you're probably at least a little bit right about that.

Seriously. I don't get why this column even exists. Well, that's not true. It exists to get us to comment on it. So, mission accomplished, I guess. But, it's gross. And pointless. Ignoring the random lady hating, the contradictory POV that having a female led show is a bad thing and the weird shaming of someone who

The worst part is that it could have been funny and when there were little glimmers of humor it was just depressing to see them just back away from it. Instead of developing interesting relationships and funny situations they just had Cameron swear a lot. The cast was good, particularly the supporting cast that wasn't

Nope, that shouldn't be the standard. But, in this case we're not talking about huge stores where you're having to go through a long series of alleyways and enter through the kitchen. It's a side door and her being completely opposed to it without further explanation seems like, at the very least, something that

That was very confusing to me. What is so demeaning about going in the side door that would require someone to determine that they were philosophically opposed to it? It's a door. It's on the side. The issue is that Hollister blocks those doors, not that those doors would be the entrance for anyone who can't walk up

This is clearly just a he said/she said with "he" being the girl's parents and she being everyone else involved. And the prosecutors apparently believe the parents. Tbf, since the other girl is pretty much nameless and faceless here we only have the word of Kaitlyn's family to go on but from them and, second hand,

Except that by all accounts they had broken up before the girl turned 18. The ages they were during the relationship matter because if they had broken up while she was still legally a minor this is an entirely different issue. Ignoring that she shouldn't be prosecuted at *all*, she definitely shouldn't be prosecuted

That's the thing that keeps getting lost in the pearl clutching about the age difference. They weren't dating anymore. They broke up when she was 17. Then, boom, girl turns 18, is legally an adult and the parents swoop in to have charges filed against her. That's BS. A 14/15 year old dating a 17 year old (and we don't

The jane article by the Dad indicates that the other girl is pretty appalled by this, has publicly stated that it was a consensual relationship and doesn't agree with her parents pushing for prosecution. But, she has no say at all.

Right? I guess it's meant to imply that she wastes money she doesn't have and, thus, shouldn't be given the responsibility of...I don't know. It just seems so random after the abortion and jail and contempt questions. I get why that would wind up people too dumb to know what's happening but once they got to the "hey,

I'm with you. I don't see the issue in the context of the entire thing. Tbh, I don't like this whole "so and so should play so and so" bit because I just don't tend to enjoy it. But, I get the appeal of it, especially in a setting like this. People like to see themselves and people they know made fun of. It was

Yeah, her family life could be completely insane and disturbing but most of those stories sounded like a game of telephone that had gotten out of hand. It was easy to believe at first but the more it went on it just seemed a little ridiculous. The basic story of Dad hitting Mom, Mom being a druggie, whatever there

I don't think Amanda is a bigger star than Hayden, I just think Amanda inspires people to talk about her because she gives us things, however dumb they are, to talk about. I think they're probably similar in the sense that they both were kid stars, both had a couple of popular tv shows, both did a few movies. But,

That's true. Star did herself no favors. Barbara is pretty vindictive.