
The effect they use on Pitt makes him appear far darker than Michelle Williams looks in her photograph. Save for the blush and eye makeup she looks positively pale. And plenty of women wear long double braids. Were it not for the feathers I don't think most people would be calling this redface. That is the key piece

We spend so much time reading between lines to parse out racism. God forbid we actually put as much time into something to try to determine whether or not it's satire.

No, it doesn't matter at all in the context of his intentions but it does matter in the context of the argument about his intentions. The idea presented was that because this was a mainstream paper and that this was a feature article (neither of which is true) that this was evidence that it was a straight forward

I don't really get the "he was a feminist, therefore he couldn't be racist" argument so I totally agree with that part of the post but I think it's overstating things to refer to what he wrote as articles or to consider his paper to be widely read. It was a tiny weekly newspaper and the two columns being discussed

I followed the link to her tumblr and she actually comes off looking even worse when you see the rest of the DMs and wall posts. These are all pretty dreadful people.

For a couple of weeks Mark Valley followed me on twitter. I have no idea why he followed me in the first place or why he stopped following me but I took a screengrab of "Mark Valley is now following you" and it makes me very happy.

Agreed. I don't really understand why he lost his shit the way he did (I'm guessing that there is more than I'm seeing above) but she and her "fans" don't come out of this looking that great either. They all seem pretty horrible.

I can hate on him for being an idiot and busting out the racist and sexist nonsense but I pretty much agree with you on the first point. I mean, why can't he say the same kinds of things that people say about him? He *shouldn't* because he is famous and therefore we judge him more harshly than we do trolls. We tend to

They can't help themselves!!! The most recent "omg, why are you still talking????" comments on this subject have either been said on the pretense that they were criticizing what Todd Aiken said (and they *still* manage to up the ante and make it even more ridiculous) or they pretend that he was saying something other

Wait...what? This has nothing to do with the thickness of Taylor Swift's skin. Fuck Taylor Swift. This is barely even about Taylor Swift, it's about the *actual* context of someone giving someone else advice. They even, in the preview linked, point out that it was a quote from someone else. It actually, hate to

Seriously. I think Taylor Swift is an asshole but neither she nor the interviewer did anything wrong.

The only thing that pointing out that the quote originated from someone other than Katie Couric does is make it look like the writer is calling Taylor Swift a dumbass. Katie Couric, someone who Taylor Swift looks up to, gave her some advice. People take other people's words and dish them out as advice all the time.

This gif has made my life.

It was mild and funny and a direct reference to the stories she tells in her music. There are much bigger things that TSwift should be bothered by than a Tina Fey joke.

But, it was from Katie Couric. Katie Couric was clearly quoting someone else but Taylor Swift is sharing it as something that Katie Couric told her. I don't think the VF writer (or the Jez writer, since I'm not sure which one you're putting in finger quotes) is obligated to footnote that one.

But, it is. This is the last season. That's what he's talking about. I mean, your mileage will obvious vary as far as whether or not they're succeeding in dying gracefully but this is it so they're dying on their own terms in a couple of months.

Yeah, with the exception of the Boom Guy triangle I've really been enjoying this season. It's a huge improvement over the previous season or two. And even though I don't enjoy Dick Jim and the fact that we're seeing Boom Guy at all he sure is pretty look at.

Yeah, sorry Taylor but you're driving into the tunnel at a concert. That's not traffic. And it's not entirely unexpected to see your own image at one of your concerts.

Not only was it not the point I was making but I live in Atlanta (capital of evil, racist Georgia where we don't care about black children at all!!) and you can't throw a rock without seeing a nice vigil/memorial/pile of stuffed animals and crosses on the side of the road tributes to black children who have been

Just based on the local news blurbs over the past few months I think it took them a relatively long while to compile the evidence needed to indict. It was one of those cases that could have been a crime or it could have been a tragic accident.