
Thanks! It has been a busy day, so I am back and forth posting...I appreciate all the support I am excited to get to the XGames tomorrow and get in the Hot Wheels cars and do the Double Loop Dare.

The TG loop was more than half the size of the real Hot Wheels Double Loop - this is a world record attempt and if we make it, we will be in the record books. Two loops, Two world class drivers, Two life-sized car, 7 G’s of force - the Loop is massive!! Look at the pics on the Hot Wheels FB page to really see the

Tanner is the real deal and a really good buddy of mine - just like all of the drivers on Team Hot Wheels. Hot Wheels selected each of us because of our ability - both mental and physical - to perform these type of stunts.

51.9 mph and we need to be exact at that speed for the car to not "fall" from the Loop

Huh - never thought of that...I'll see what one of our Team Hot Wheels support crew to put together! Good thought for sure!

Here are the Hot Wheels vehicle specs for the Double Loop Dare cars:

You know...the reason I am a stuntman is that I was never good at math.

Nice!!! I think it will be a big crowd for sure!

52 mph - is definitely the sweet spot. I just need to hit my marks and beat Tanner to the ramp jump.

Hopefully, the one tomorrow!!

Just a usual day at the office for any of the Team Hot Wheels drivers.

Hey if Jalopnik wants me back...I am happy to chat with you guys again! Just hope I DO make the loop - so I can be asked back! How about this - during the next Q&A - I'll answer your second question.

Just like the Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare toy you might have had as a kid. I just bought one for my youngest Wyatt. It's a pretty big deal - world record, 7 G's, 6 stories high...go to the Hot Wheels FB page and check out the photos. Check out how small the people are next to the Loop - I think that will put it into

Fighter pilots in the military go through the same training as Tanner and I have had.

You know, I never ask that question and I am not sure I want to know the answer.

That would be an absolute - YES. I am on the phone and live chatting. This makes the loop seem easy! I'll have a few breaks in between some tests to double check the car set up, so be easy on me! I'll be on and off at different times today. Lots of prep work to get ready for tomorrow...a little daunting for sure.

There was some talk with some of my buddies that we should have set up a Hot Wheels Double Loop dare, get out the Hot Wheels replica toy cars - like the ones Tanner and I are racing - and have a basement competition of our own! Just like you are talking about. Let's see who wins on the real Double Dare Loop on

The 'stache' comes and goes...but I definitely dig it. Reminds me of my dad, when I was growing up. I grew this one when I was with my buddy Mouse McCoy racing the Mexican 1000 a few weeks ago. I think I need to get on it and get it trademarked like Anthony Davis' brow. Haha...can you imagine, the "Fear the Stache"

The G force is 7 G's - check out the Hot Wheels Youtube page - they have a video of Tanner and me doing loops in a fighter plane to get ready for the Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare. Pretty Crazy!