Getting my Prime 30 Day Trial now, I guess, hahaha.
Getting my Prime 30 Day Trial now, I guess, hahaha.
Anyone else finds it kinda weird he uses a Shangai Dragons spray when he’s with the Philly’sFusion?
I backed it mostly because I really wanted that MLP game. On the back of my mind I’m still calling it Fighting Is Magic.
Hopefully the Metroid movie will follow.
Some games need you to be on the right state of mind. Think of all your favorite games. Had they come to you at the wrong time, you’d dismissed them too. Mass Effect (1 and 2) are possibly the games I have the most hours spend on in my whole gaming life and yet... I’m not a fan of space operas or RPGs, but I got ME1…
I believe that there’s a movie that can actually help you understand Shadow of the Colossus and possibly open the door to many other games.
Moved to another state and couldn’t bring my desktop PC with me so I’m living off my huge backlog of indie games on my old ASUS laptop but between this article and the one about the game’s story, you just convinced me to pay the full entry price for this one.
I guess it’s all about richness and subtlety in arquetyping.
It Follows is a great example. Slow monster horror film with a psychological horror vibe that earned a cult following almost after release, yet because it’s highly divisive and you either love it or hate it, its rating sits in the middle while the movie itself is far from avarage but because of that a lot of people…
That’s the most intense Splatoon thing I have ever seen
I’m Mexican and I’d rather die here than live in the US. Just sayin’.
lol, ok... I don’t really like Halo so I forgot that point.
What? Like multiple Master Chiefs fighting each other? Whoa, dude!
I think you’re making the gigantic mistake of painting Free for All Deathmatch with one enormous stroke.
Arena shooters have been a thing for decades, yes. They were the shooters eye-opener in the same way brawlers led to fighting games. Replacing AI enemies with other players can, in certain ways, be the pivotal point…
Corpse Run hit the nail. I just had a match like that last night. Win first round in Numbani by a good margin (something like 2 mins on the clock), round 2 starts, our Winston leaves, Reaper goes “f***ing leavers”, drops de match, Winston suddenly comes back apologizing.
The moment I fell all my excitement fly out the window was Capcom’s extended Monster Hunter World trailer. I was really, truly expecting something on Resident Evil 2's remake, even if it were just a logo or even name drop.
My take away is that we’d all be way cuter if we all were anime
Pick a goddamn book, son. I know what gladiolas are and english ain’t even my native language.
EXACTLY! Just like other Nintendo exclusives like Persona 5 and Undertale, which jumped to amazing critical apraisal with them coming from niche genres or being brand new IPs, respectively.
It’s not really all the time, it just happens to be that Blizzcon, the Overwatch World Cup and details on the OW League came one after another.