
I knew I’d fully agree with this list when I spot Junko.

Commander Redfield?! What?!

You and I, we aren’t so different. Down to ME:A’s MP being the only thing making me consider a purchase since story trailers didn’t do it for me.

$60.00 dollars for a 49h game?! WHAT A RIP OFF!!!

Darn kids and their videogames!!

Is there something I’m not getting here? The Wii U selling 890k units in USA in 6 weeks and the Switch selling 906k in 4 just means they sold 16k units more in 2 weeks less time.

Vanquish. Oh God, please Vanquish. It’s another game from Platinum published by SEGA.

IT WILL sell like hotcakes.

Came here for Futaba cosplay. Wasnt’ dissapointed.

The girl I like is a former lurker (as I) and we still are reminiscent about the darker days of the chan. So, I’d love to gift her that (OP) necklace.

I was totally expecting an article on J-List or Peter Payne.

I have a strong feeling Harmonix was partly at fault here. Mad Catz lost A LOT more with RB4 than Harmonix ever did.

You might want to change your Suvi’s “sex scene” video. In the last 18 seconds (right where the scene cuts to Sarah on the ship) a background character drops a huge, HUGE spoiler.

I clicked on this article to read up on the romance options in ME:A while I wait for my copy. I wasn’t expecting key plot spoilers.

While I understand this, it bugs me people can’t be tolerant of other people’s viewpoints. JonTron is not a politician, he’s not running a campaign. His politic views are his own.

I love horror stuff and have become heavily desensitized through years of it but I soon as I saw this it gave me the creeps. It looks so otherworldly inhuman. The feeling is even stronger when you see that shit blink in the gif.

Lots of Senran Kagura Estival Versus on PC. Probably a bit of Helldivers, Disc Jam or RE7 to tone down such a... bosoming weekend.

Saw the image and for a second I though this was related to Helldivers.

It’s the perfect weapon!!

Can we please talk about how the Switch was still playing Fast RMX WITH A GODDAMN HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF IT

The game’s narrative context disturbed me a bit when I saw the reveal trailer.