
I have my SL .iso as a mounted disk, how can I install form that?


What browser is that to the left? It looks like firefox, but with some major changes.

to bad 1password isn't out for windows yet, it would have won...

What the hell, this guy SUCKS when it comes to fonts, to begin with the font used in the notepad is NOT comic sans, and second it looks dumb having Arial there.

That guy has some serious personal problems.

The hat icon is stolen.

Looks a lot like DaisyDisk for OS X.

@Saudrapsmann: You only typed this because your a windows fanboy, if it was the exact same pic, only relaced with windows stuff you'd be more like: OMGZZZ it's awesome!!


@barktwiggs: I do think that firefox is getting alot of it's new looks from chrome. And I never said firefox sets the standards for anything. I know Opers has brought alot to the browser world but I think they're falling a bit behind right now.

Wow, what a ripoff of the firefox 4 concept images. Look: []

Guys stop being stupid, this is NOTHING like dropbox, this takes a file and uploads it to a webserver for anyone to access, and creates a link for you to use. Dropbox takes the files and uploads it to a in the cloud folder for you and the persons that have access to it.

I love this app, but sadly the uptime of the server hasn't been too good. And when Cloud app is released I think this app will struggle to keep alive.

It sucks that they only make this available for the iPhone, and not the iPod Touch. It's not like the iPod Touch is completely mic less, you can just plugin the iPod earphones and use any other voice app. But not this.

I use bodega sometimes, and I always end up downloading something. I rarely buy software tough but it happens.

You should REALLY mentions it's US only, on this and other US only posts.