you better watch out for that one person who doesn't have an umbrella. they might be a zombie.
you better watch out for that one person who doesn't have an umbrella. they might be a zombie.
Impressive cat-herding. I'm guessing about 800 man hours went into getting those shots.
Would be even nicer if, with the updated graphics, they'd release all these games on PC as well....
That has to be the first time that sentence has ever been said in any context...
heh. This feels kind of like a political party purchasing a classroom and covering it in their own branding for a history of politics class.
In the UK, I've often thought that hospital food is awful by design. The design being they want you out of the bed so someone else can have it, and nothing like awful carbonara, tepid shepherd's pie or weak mashed potato with a side of microwaved from frozen veg drives people from the brink of death back home for…
It should have been for Vita. The graphics would still have been downgraded but at least the controls would not be butchered. The title of the article would still have been the same but to me it would also be the most awesome way to enjoy Bioshock on the go just like Borderlands 2.
This pleases me. I wasted ten bucks on Fall out: New Vegas because it won't run on my PC. I've changed graphics cards since I bought it three Christmases ago, I've reformatted my PC, and Valve kept pointing me to Bethesda, and I just wanted a refund. They didn't want me to have one.
I've already made that ten dollars…
I would actually pay good money to hear DMX read a page from Harry Potter. "Aw fuck man, I ain't reading this expelliarmus shit again!"
PS+ deals are pretty much on Steam level now gahdamn!
The fifth and final new fighter to be added to the upcoming Ultra Street Fighter IV will be Decapre. She's new,…
Valve's interesting, innovative new Steam Controller has caught a lot of eyes while simultaneously raising a lot of…
After the vertical shoot-em-up's arcade debut in 2001, it was ported over to several home consoles: the GameCube,…
Development of the game may be troubled... But our use of the DS4 is awesome!
He looks like a black version of John Cena