There’s rules requiring a speedy trial, too, but that hasn’t prevented plenty of people from languishing in pre-trial detention for months or even years. Looking at you, NYC.
Jefferson’s (enslaved, of course) chef was James Hemings, Sally’s older brother, and he later trained his younger brother to succeed him when he was manumitted. Also Jefferson’s brother-in-law, given that James, Sally and their siblings were half siblings to Martha Jefferson. So pretty good odds that James is the one…
Are you familiar with cable television?
Sadly he is apparently coercing her into signing a consent form giving him access to the information. (He used the word “cajole”, but ya know.)
It can work with strong state involvement. My state (Minnesota) is sort of known in education circles for having a fairly robust system that spreads property tax revenue from richer districts to poorer districts. Possibly related, the public schools here are fairly high quality, even in the poorest parts of the Twin…
3 years, 2 of them in solitary, which he was waiting for trial.
He’s probably still confused about the red hats tbh
What is with all these predators being the biggest fucking babies?
This is literally the same argument people make against the minimum wage, because retail and fast food jobs are “supposed to” be part time jobs for teenagers (or pin money for housewives, back in the day).
Except according to Lyft they’re not employees. Their argument is that their charging the drivers for their tech, so by obscuring the gross free they’ve also obscured how much they charge for this service.
I would bet cash money professional sports are exempt from most labor laws, including workers comp.
I had no idea that was still up! I interned with him in college and filled out the census data on a bunch of those pages. Good times.
If he’s got a lawyer I’m sure there advice is, you know, don’t talk to the cops. That’s basically always their advice.
Is it one of those crack investigators (ha) that’s suing Ava DuVernay and Netflix?
I’m not British or 55 but I want that!
This is literally why I decided not to continue in graduate studies in history. Disabusing 18 year old white boys of their mythology in freshman US history over and over would have ended in murder-suicide, I swear.
“Generous public health programs”
Yes, but that’s at-will employment. “Right to work” is a completely different thing involving whether or not you can be made to pay agency fees to a union, which SCOTUS’s Janusdecision essentially extended nationwide.
Settlement for what? Employment at-will, they don’t need a reason to fire anyone.