
I met my first boyfriend when I was 13 and he was 24. The above, “If anything I was a victim of delusion.” comment in regards to not being (or not wanting to be) a victim rings very true. My girlfriends were 18ish and I deluded myself that everything was cool. It was not. He was very immature, controlling, as fucked

Excellent, thank you.

Does the fitbit totally consume & gobble up data? I’m on a limited plan and Ms Google is not helping.

Stab in the dark - you might also like Tom Rob Smith. I finished ‘The Farm’ and am now into ‘Child 44’ and ‘The Secret Speech’ both of which downloaded together for 789 pages of greatness. Murder mystery that includes/explores Stalinism. Written a few year ago so I may be late to the party.

Nope. Never. #kitchenpotsftw

I accidently used Nair for legs on my face. Yes, I felt the burn! pretty quickly and got it off post haste but not soon enough. I had a full-on red scabby mustache and beard for about a week. Fun stuff.


Ahh, good.

Hmmm. Is it diferent when it’s not romantic? I have sent messages to strangers that become friends like this, “Hey - I see you all the time making awesome comments on a thread that we share through so-and-so. We should totally be FB friends! and maybe one day we’ll actually meet IRL. Am I creepy?

Um, I broke a guy’s penis once. Didn’t mean to! I was on top, did some obviously over-the-top maneuver and he, uh, well he screamed. I jumped back he runs into the washroom and now he’s screaming for me. I go in and it’s black. Dude was white. And the tip is swelling before our paniced eyes. We were literally watching

It’s just damn scary. A watcher from Canada here. We are going to clip Harper’s balloon in October. So, Yay! And I know you folks are farther away from an election but damn. I reach this point really early every year and it freaks me out. You Americans have so much power and yet you do the buffoun thing every time.

No, she and I passed each other in the change room after that. She had serious, “Yeah I did that.” on her face.

No - judging from the ‘air’ at work, it was consensual. This was a cockamamie way to recuse her from her timing difficulties with her husband and the boss.

Oh I hear you. I do not know what ever came of it. For one, I was gone pretty soon after, and two, I was never contacted again by anyone about it. Thankfully. My last days there were pretty uneventful. I remember thinking I could pretty much do anything I wanted though, i.e., call in sick, and there would be no

Hahaha no. I am still pretty sure I am a moron. I’ve gotten myself into the worst situations. This is tip of iceburg stuff :)

Right? I went back to work. I had to. But I was out of there within 2 weeks. He couldn’t look me in the eye and I was pretty rage-balls. Never told any of the other staff though and I wonder about that. I am not sure why I kept it all under the rug. Probably not wanting to further out myself? And my next job was in a

Why thank you K-SHE 95 :)

You know, as I think about that incident, I am getting some joy. I had two jobs there, one to provide a statement for my boss, and two to give the police a heads up. I’m in my fifties now and I feel like I am still that person. It’s so cool to connect with every version of yourself, yes?

What a fabulous read.

It pisses me off so much. I danced topless for 4 years (in my late thirties!) after a financial wreck of a divorce. I bought a home for my kids and it’s a fabulous memory for me really. It certainly isn’t something that comes up in casual conversation but I have a number of girlfriends who know and somehow manage to