
Your quilting is a beautiful metaphor. You have a gorgeous way of breaking things down in order to express them. I am reminded of a time, years ago, in a therapist's office, talking (bragging) about how I have this magical ability to walk through library isles and, with closed eyes and a pointed finger pick out just

I had a particularly cringe worthy summer. I was kind of on auto-pilot and didn't properly digest a number of social cues right away. I was completely stressed out - and spend a lot of time alone usually - and found myself in a series of social situations I never even imagined I'd be in, and there was always another

I am so happy to hear that! Self doubt can be death to the writing process. I am sure you are right about your own observations and that may always be your process, or it may change. My approach is often different for different projects but they all involve a percolation period. That is so cool. I am tickled for you -

"There's only so many hours in the day!" drinking.

OK, you rock.

Thank you!! YOO TOO. If I remember correctly you write? If so, so very cool. So do I. Best, across that small pond.

Mmm. This. The history is cool, and certainly derogative-nuff for me. It's a few hours later, I am getting ready for a New Year's Celebration here, but I sure enjoyed this. Thanks so much for taking the time. All info is good. Cheers.

Thank you ! Found it. Awesome - so glad to learn that. Happy Guinness !

OK just spent the last fifteen minutes watching old Louie clips trying to find this. The link isn't working for me? I did find a review of one of his shows where a scene is described and someone tells Louie that the f word was always followed by a beating. Is that it? Curiosity is killing me - and my cat. I am in

You got it! Good luck!

Aw jeez. That is gross feeling! Don't sweat too much over it tho! If he's still available he'll get back to you. Good way to see if he's alright with human foibles...

That is a good point. I was a bit of an outsider, for different reasons, but it was very interesting to me at the time to see how teachers were so easily rattled. I don't see anything good coming out of this idea.

That is good info to share. I had no idea it took four years but that does make sense. Slightly OT but a few years ago I was prescribed Klonazipam. My son saw this and said, "Wow, mom, that's what snipers take. Cool." A worrisome comment, to be sure. Got on it. He was dabbling in some serious stuff (Vit K, coke) all

I totally liked this. I can not hold a tune to save my life. The rest of my family can sing which has occasionally pissed me off, like, "how can you even do that?" I have so no idea. I make babies cringe. I do have a good voice (radio) but can't sing for shit. That was impressive yah?

I hate diamonds in all their colours. However: I have warned my ex that when I die I want to be turned into a diamond that he can wear around his neck. I think he thinks I'm serious.

That is awesome! I live on the 21st floor, so, no. Good luck on the soda thing (that one should be easier!)

Party on!

If she doesn't, I'd be hers, in a sec. Sorry I took so long to get back to you. I had an awesome professional thing happen and chose to celebrate it like a teenager: Got drunk. Gah, still recuperating. Life goes on....

The hospital debacle is getting top story status on local and CBC stations. I'm in the GTA but I watch a lot of American news. So comparatively, I'd say the US stations are actually giving it more time, but not as top billing, as we are here.

How very cool. I shall get on that.