
I'm a size 14, I've been doing yoga for ten years, and this kind of anti-fat bias makes me SO ragey. Yoga is awesome and totally accessible for larger people and/or less fit people. I would suggest trying a community center. The teachers are usually just as good and the client base is more diverse, so there is less

I've had bunions since childhood, long before I ever tried to jam my foot into a high heeled shoe. Sometimes they're genetic!

My second and third toes are slightly webbed too! I was always very sad I couldn't wear those trendy toe socks.

The custom differs regionally and there is also an element of personal preference, from my experience. When my family moved from Pennsylvania to Minnesota, my parents were very surprised to learn that many people instantly removed their shoes when they got inside the doorway, even in other people's homes. Personally I

Ooh, I'm headed for a bunionectomy. I've had bunions since childhood and they're starting to become painful. Was it really bad? I'm nervous about it.

I guess my feet are ugly. I have bunions on both - quite prominent on my right foot (genetic, I've had them since I was a child). My second/third toes on each foot are partially webbed. The skin is weird behind the big toenails so I have to keep them a little longer than socially acceptable (we're talking a couple

I'm that tipsy girl begging for other people's smokes - the dreaded social smoker. (Or I was, I really don't do that anymore, you're welcome lungs.) And I've definitely noticed that smoking gives me a headache, even without any alcohol and dehydration to compound the issue.

Sing it, sister! I'm 28 and my husband is 30, and we are in bed by 9:30 or 10 every night, even most weekends. We've been that way since the mid-20s - friends know that an invitation for That Cool Band Whose Set Starts At Eleven will get nothing except an eyebrow raise.

I think I could join this club - I'm 28 and the youngest member of the local quilt guild by about 20 years (and 30 years younger than the average aged member). BBC, cats, and crafts! Let's do this.

Mine too! I think I've been obnoxiously and openly liberal enough in my own status updates and article sharing that all of my conservative friends unfriended me.

So - you're calling me a liar? Charming.

True story: at a party, I somehow got into a discussion with a friend-of-a-friend about how I had never seen an uncircumcised penis in person. So naturally he did something that the founder of this project would approve of - he took out his penis and grabbed my hand, then tried to make me touch his cock.

I, too, would have been overwhelmed with joy.

The cookie table is THE BEST!!! My husband's family is from Pittsburgh. I didn't get one at my wedding because I couldn't get anyone to be the "cookie nazi" (the person who organizes the table), mostly because none of my friends knew what it was.

My husband is from an Italian-Slovak American family and we got envelopes of cash. The tradition in his family is to give "real" gifts (from the registry) at the shower, and cash for the wedding. Since we left for our honeymoon the next day, it was nice to have cash.

I don't think personal preference always has to come back to patriarchy, but I think it does in many cases for many people, especially people who don't spend a lot of time discussing things like feminist implications for body hair.

Ha ha! Yes, that one would backfire on you then. From pictures I've seen when I was caught without a facial expression, I look very intent, grumpy and haughty. The corners of my mouth naturally turn down - like grumpy cat!

I had a similar experience when I studied abroad in a city where I was walking at least two miles a day going to campus and back, plus I often took long, rambling strolls through the city. I was also having to carry all my groceries home from the store so I bought less food out of pure laziness not wanting to have to

That's a great question, and I am totally in agreement that everyone should be able to do what they want with their own body hair. Shave it, grow it, dye it, curl it, whatever, it's yours.

This is so weird, I never get hit on. I can count on maybe two hands the number of times that I have been catcalled in my whole life, and I am a young white female with big boobs, I dress in a feminine way, and have lived in big cities. It's weird, though I am not complaining.