
Get the Army Corps employees to start manufacturing tests in-house?

I can't muster either excitement or outage about this news.

Look how cool I am to dis Hamilton!! 

Maybe they should go back and CGI in Vincent Adultman for a bunch of Noth’s scenes.

To me it isn’t as much that he’s blaming his marriage and kids as he is saying he was depressed and unhappy and using alcohol as a way to avoid making difficult decisions regarding his marriage. He was depressed and self-medicated with alcohol which is not terribly uncommon. I know it’s popular to dog on Affleck but I

Not at all surprised...but still disgusted

I wouldn’t be surprised. That said...I wouldn’t be surprised either if something very, very bad happens to him sooner rather later. 

Completely disappointing and completely expected, given that judge et al.

He’ll be another George Zimmerman. Watch.

Pete must be insanely charismatic.

It seems like such a no-brainer for a political party trying to win more consistently: Identify problems in people’s lives we know are solvable, in part because every other country like our’s has solved it (or taken giant steps in solving it, and then solve it.

Those action forms always land better if you edit the text anyway, because the processing software will record them as a unique entry rather than count them as one of a form letter. If you’re going to do them, always change the text.

If you see a grown employee behaving at all inappropriately with a 14 year old and don’t fire them immediately, what the fuck are you doing??

Once I was at a restaurant that had a young hostess, she was likely barely 16 (it’s often an entry level job for someone new to work). As we were eating I saw another employee

The “real fuck-up” is definitely still the rape but that’s splitting hairs as I totally agree with you. If you see a grown employee behaving at all inappropriately with a 14 year old and don’t fire them immediately, what the fuck are you doing??

Adam Levine (at that moment in time) was sexy. I am more offended that Blake Shelton ever was considered much less won.

As a girl who was in high school when Clueless came out, I can’t believe this even needs to be stated.

i’m embarrassed for her

This is a good and needed response under the circumstances and deserves to be applauded. Of course Jezebel is being snotty about it.

I think it’s clear from both the Time article and the context that neither PP nor the Time author considers, or is characterizing, this kit as anything other than a harm reduction measure. PP gives these packets out to patients in the clinic, and it makes clinical sense that they wouldn’t make a terrible situation

I found myself in a situation similar to Logan, few weeks post back surgery to fix an old degenerative college rugby injury, thought I was game to be mobile but oh my friends, I was not. Was with my girlfriend at the time and her dad on a very hilly upscale golf course and DID NOT wanna lose face (moms are MUCH easier