Of course, sometimes stereotypes can be cruel and hurtful. Like when people assume I play lacrosse just because I'm a rich white guy who plays lacrosse.
I'm sorry, there's some super important context to this photo that's missing if you didn't go to a prep school like this one. She's not making fun of white people, she is making fun of a super specific prep school subculture, down to the hand gestures. These guys have an obscene amount of power in the high school…
And you've just definitively proven that you're racist.
Comparing the prejudice that PoC have towards white people to the systematic racism that continues to oppress PoC is racist. You are belittling systematic racism....and that is precisely what we use the word "racial prejudice" to describe racial prejudices against…
Can a white person express an opinion? Of course. That's not what white opinions are.
"People get so butthurt when I wear a little irreverent blackface or call a girl a dyke because she wouldn't give me a hand job. It's not my fault people have thin skins and no sense of humor! Of course, sometimes stereotypes can be cruel and hurtful. Like when people assume I play lacrosse just because I'm a rich…
Can you really even say that she's making fun of "white people" with that photo? I'm white and (1) I know exactly what she's making fun of, and (2) it doesn't offend me at all. Quite the opposite — I feel a kinship with her in her disdain for wealthy, privileged high school kids who act like they own the world.
I was thinking this too. It seems she is making fun of a very specific subset of white people. And if my white ass dressed up like a hockey bro and posted that on twitter no one would give a flying fuck. But a black girl not taking white guys seriously, NOPE
To some degree, I think all this debate about how we understand racism as a concept is somewhat (not entirely) moot as the term has both colloquial and academic meanings. It's good to structure terminology and understand semantics, obviously, but we also have to accept that colloquial language often differs from jargon
As an alum of one of this school's rivals, all I can say is that if a white prep school girl did the same thing, it wouldn't be an issue, but she'd be glossed over as trying to be funny instead of trying to make a statement, which is also frustrating.
My sister recently found a dog and posted it on Craigslist. She also scoured the Lost section and found a matching description and similar picture. I'm glad she was patient and willing to go through so many postings (it's a large city) because the last posting was a week or so before she found the dog. And it had…
Thank you. I wasn't sure if it was just me, but I thought what I wrote was pretty clear.
I know that etiquette declares her .Mrs. John Molner, but I don't see why she can't be Mrs. Katie Molner. It isn't the taking of the lat name that bothers me, it is the implied entire loss of identity outside of him. I know she is so well-known we know it isn't going to happen, bit it is still implied in the Mrs.…
It's pretty weird to call out Khloe for being disrespectful to Native American culture and call them "hairy gypsies" in the same sentence.
Huh. All of this sounds familiar… almost as if abortion was illegal/inaccessible once, and innocent women died trying to acquire one, rather than skipping the abortion altogether. But that can't be right, can it? No way Louisiana lawmakers would purposely ignore historical evidence that this exact thing would happen,…
They aren't reducing abortion, they're restricting access to safe abortion.
Not surprised. Anti-choice=anti-woman.
Re: cunt. I hate that word, like many others around here, but there are certain types of assholes who deserve it.
Parents are pretty bad at their job these days.