
I had to come to Jezebel for some much needed comments section outrage because over at Gawker, my usual, whatever, stomping ground, people are defending this guy out the wazoo and I can't deal with that.

My Pollyanna side wants to believe, "Wow, he used a man because he couldn't even find any psycho rightwingnut teabagger women who'd take the job as the 'victim', because even they could see how awful this sketch was towards women— so there must be hope for them!" But the bigger chunk of my brain knows it was all just

My two cents: Out of context, it's hard to understand exactly what her issue was with being cast as a "spear carrier in a Tom Cruise movie" (which is weirdly specific). She didn't want to do big budget action? She didn't want to act alongside Tom Cruise? She didn't want to be the "pretty girl" in the background of

I think stuff like that is a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Meanwhile, in Ojai, Casey Wilson (Happy Endings, etc.) also got married. She and her husband released a picture from their wedding. That's a beautiful dress.

I'm not surprised, but the rush-to-do-it element seems a little weird. Someone on here wrote my favorite quote about it: "It's like he just discovered intelligent women exist."

I just keep thinking: will they believe us now? Is this finally the moment when men start to grasp the reality that women live in?

This post is ridiculous. I think your intention was to mention that plenty of women feel unappreciated and unloved, as well. And that is a valid point.

Are you seriously sad that you weren't sexually harassed more often?

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

You know, I once spoke with a famous university professor a few years ago and we were talking about whiteness and masculinity in the context of white anti-Muslim violence in Europe and America. What you're witnessing in all these shootings is precisely the violence that has always underwrote white male power but it's

Give it up, dude. This is coming from a straight guy.

Congrats on throwing all mentally ill people under the bus. This kid was a mysoginistic, entitled, racist, shallow, violent little fuck who knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

I don't think we have any business flooding that space and commenting. It's a safe place for members of a select community who clearly rely on that space and one another for support. I respect that.

Well. He's too fucking dead for treatment. So we will condemn him. Fuck this guy

They're worried that we're going to troll their forums....and we're worried they're going to fucking kill us.

If they're truly "intensely sensitive," then they'll condemn this mass murderer's mindset and empathize with the victims of this tragedy instead of worrying about how this will affect their community. Like,

I went over to that thread discussing the killing spree and I regret it profoundly.

What is your fixation on sex? Is that the only interaction you can imagine with women?

No, she says God punished HER by giving her a child with autism. Basically, the child isn't really a person, but a punishment delivery system.

That's ... not any better.

I came her to say just that. Toni's god sounds like a total d-bag and I want nothing to do with him.