
"Humanism" already means a different thing. If it's the "fem" prefix that is really hanging you up, just think of all the words using prefixes from other languages that have nothing to do with their meanings. Ambul-, for example, means "to walk," but our ambulances certainly aren't ambulatory. Frater means "brother,"

Oh no - by replying did I magically make it stay?!

no, they need to be castrated, at least.

Personally, I call myself a feminist but under the broader category of humanist. My personal philosophy embraces feminism but also considers race, gender, orientation, language and other equality issues.

Let's try inserting some facts into this conversation. Show me one real life instance where a man was sentenced to a prison term in the absence of any evidence, including from the rape kit suggesting an assault had occurred. I'll wait.

Look! A sighting in the wild of your basic free - range MRA. Note the identifying characteristics:
1. Straw feminist accusations about rape;
2. The fixation on rape;
3. The rock hard belief that accusing rape is done for shits and giggles.
4. The telltale signs of the guilty conscience.
5. Note how they believe that ALL

I think that it is very telling that both MRAs I've met in real life both blasted me for having a "faggot job. What are you, a woman?" The whole movement is just an excuse to hate on women for not obeying their every whim.

I've never once seen an MRA not blame "man hating feminists" or the "feminist court system" (?!) for these problems, though. That's not reasonable, that's insanity, and that's where they lose any credibility.

He jests at scars that never felt a wound.

There are legit issues. I would argue that feminism has done way more for men. For example, fighting for equal pay and equal opportunity, and encouraging woman and girls to enter high-paying fields, has the effect of easing financial pressure on men. The societal pressure for men to be "big earners" is a burden.

I like using compound or complex sentence structures, but in hindsight, there could have been at least one full-stop in there.

In terms of it being feminism in a nutshell, I agree - in terms of it being completely removed from the people that support it. But unfortunately ideas have people that support them, and as

Well said, we really need to just ignore them until they go away. They'll cry all the harder during that time point, but it's important to set boundaries and not give in to their temper tantrums.

In fact, what they actually do is fight to close down women's shelters——-because while these MRAs say women lie about DV, women should be expected to do all the work for men. And they harass and threaten women in real life, because women has it coming, you know. And they don't really care if they accurately accuse the

See, I share your curse, but mine forced me to point out to you that it was a run on.

Confession time: when I was in high school, I called myself a masculinist, and thought that I was the smartest dude in the world for coming up with that. I reasoned that there are significant and serious issues facing men, and the women that fight for women are called feminists, and so we'd need a similar term for

This is akin to foxnews' obsession with voter fraud. One or two instances which are outweighed by 99% of the other experiences mean that a complete travesty and injustice exist.

When I told my boyfriend about the existence of men's rights groups, he said, "I don't get it. Don't we already have all the rights?"

I feel the same way about this as I did about the Bill Nye vs. Ken Hamm business. Including MRA's as though they have any sort of constructive point to make gives them an implied legitimacy that they don't deserve.

As a man, fuck the MRAs. I don't need angry misogynists speaking for me, I can stand up for my own issues just fine, and if I need help I'm certainly not going to turn to those whose reaction to their own insecurities is to place the blame on women.

But...but there was a guy on the internet who one time said his female boss totally singled him out BECAUSE he was a white male. I mean, he said it in the comments section so it had to be true!

As a dude in 2014 can we all just accept that "Men's Rights" is code for, "I wanna be on Mad Men!"