Nice price! And nice seats!
Nice price! And nice seats!
Whoever did that must die and burn in hell. After years of tortures.
@thancr: Yes it is the 9.
On the GTA version I would have installed the engine of the Renault 9 & 11 turbo (1.4 liters turbo 115 hp) instead of the 2.0 liters 95 hp.
SAAB cannot die
SAAB 900 Five-Door Wagon?
I'm speechless, I can't believe this is really going to happen, I expect Swedish govt to take Saab over.
@Mr_Sives_Remotoc: This ad was for Europe, not for the US, that's why the Italian agency and the Italian plate on the car.
Wow 122 HP??!!?!?
First they started to call sedans as COUPE, then they started to call whatever car as GT...
@Nitrous Oxide: Miuras started to literally take off way before reaching their top speed. #detomaso
so beautiful, one of my favourite cars, ever. #detomaso
Incredible, you are not free anymore to splash your Veyron without kids recording videos of you...
Ok the owner can just fit a new engine in and he could easily build one buying all the needed pieces in kit from Geppetto - Budapest.
@skaycog: I was a kid, but the Alfasud of my uncle with the 4 cyl boxer 1.3L sounded pretty much the same of this V8 in my memories... #bookreviews
@skierpage: In my opinion all the recent statements about future electric cars are just for marketing purposes since current Fiat Group strategy is to bet all on hybrids. Electric cars are being developed in joint ventures with external companies, the electric light commercial van on that slide might be based on the…
@RLJ676-LS3 Commuter: If putting a Buick badge on an Opel Astra and call it "Buick Ying Lang" is not badge engineering, if putting a Daewoo badge on a Chevrolet Cruze and call it "Daewoo Lacetti" is not badge engineering, if putting a Buick badge on a Holden statesman and call it "Buick Park Avenue" is not badge…
Too much badge engineering, I see GM didn't learn anything... #buicklacrosse