
Good lord, that's beautiful! I would love to get one of these bad boys, right now I only have an American set—it's a decent American set, but y'know how it goes. Sure, an American set affords me the ability to play just about any rule set I want, but still, I'd love to have one American, Chinese, and Japanese set just

I'll admit, as a gay dude that line made me uncomfortable for like, a half-second. Honestly, I was more uncomfortable about it not even being funny than anything else—I'd be lying if I said I haven't ever sincerely chuckled before at a jab at a character's sexuality. Hell, I've probably laughed at one in the last

If memory serves correctly, I believe cheesecake is actually considered to be a custard tart.

I dunno, a go-kart course based on the time Goku and Piccolo got their driver's licenses would be pretty rad.

Y'know, a year or two back Axe came out with this new 'subtle fragrance'. Not sure if it was just test marketed in my area or not, but the one they had was bergamot. BERGAMOT! I'm a tea freak, so I jumped on the chance to smell faintly of earl grey all day. It was actually really good, and as they claimed,

Definitely Live A Live. The music and writing are fantastic—even though there are plenty of homages and tropes to be found in each chapter, it puts them all to excellent use. Plus, I haven't really played another RPG that meshes tactics and turn-based together in such a delightfully deep, board-gamey way.

I like them when they're dehydrated. Otherwise, they just taste... I can't think of a decent word. They taste stinky.

That was the DOS game with the firemen with the trampoline and the babies jumping out of the burning building, right? I used to love how they made that 'yoink-yoink-yoink' noise as they bounced to the ambulance. I played that and Kid Pix CONSTANTLY as a youngun... even if the only colors I had were black, white,