What tekkamanblade said. Plus, the visuals are cropped closer thanks to the limited GBA resolution.
What tekkamanblade said. Plus, the visuals are cropped closer thanks to the limited GBA resolution.
These really should've all been out sooner.
It also creates a sea of people in identical-looking/patchwork armor.
It'd be 100%, but the leftover wall debris in the drink kinda takes away some of the effect.
Joke envy. It's a thing.
The American model is kinda stupid.
Pff. Amateurs.
Yes. That's the one that made me guffaw.
Underrated? Dude, that one's pulled out every time someone discusses FF music. For good reason, mind you. It's one of the best.
They were perfect for Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime and other games made specifically for them. Mario Sunshine made them feel absolutely brilliant.
So the triggers are basically the GameCube/Classic Controller triggers.
Haven't seen Frozen, but if there is ANY kind of mountain, it's not in Denmark.
The bigger question is: With the amount of clearly sentient animals both on land, in the sea and in the air, and with the rulers of the various kingdoms being aware of the animals' sentience...
Did they make the Blitzball minigame any less dull and overly-long-lasting?
Oh, I'm not arguing which movie was the most successful at the time. From what I recall, ABL even had a slight edge in how well the movie reviewed.
One thing I'd argue is that while Pixar's generally considered geniuses from day one, you're pretty much the only one who's mentioned A Bug's Life.
No intention to get an iDevice, I'm afraid!
Either I'm failing to grasp your sarcasm or you're failing to grasp mine :D
A friend of mine was a special case as a teen. While we watched movies, TV shows, whatever, he would be playing his guitar. Constantly.
I once annoyed the hell out of my mom and her friends back when Titanic first came out on video, and I started doing that. Dumb kid, I was.