
... Plus, fucking KENNY was telling me to drop him. Unstable-as-hell Kenny, who'd left ME behind several times simply because I didn't side with him ONCE. I love Kenny as a character, but he was not one to count on. It got to the point where I actually suspected him of shooting his own wife. All that Kenny business

The Ben situation is one of those things where there IS actually a reason to let him drop, because he's a risk to the party. But at the same time, I'd rather save him then and leave him later. Evict him from the group, sure. That gives him a chance to make do on his own. Doom him? Nuh-uh.

Now playing

And of course, our wonderful language researchers.

And not doing TOO awfully, eventually.

Angry-face Megaman X is already at it, though.

Mothula wasn't that hard. I had more trouble with Blink... Or, hell, that wormy thing at the top of the final medal dungeon in the non-Dark world. Stupid frick'n knocking me off all the grmblgrmbl.

God damn. I LOVE that design. Too bad about, y'know... literally everything else about it.

Don't be sad because others are stupid, young Mega-Sheldon.

I love love love the Vita as a system. The actually-Vita games I've played on it play great. It's seriously the best way to play PSP or PS1 games. The buttons and sticks feel wonderful, the screen looks gorgeous.

Speaking as a Norwegian, I'm a little bit sad that I didn't eat a Twinkie when I was in the States this summer. I've had them before, and they are tasty in an empty sort of way.

I actually see this as more of a side story. And I'll admit that I'm SORTA wanting to play it... Except that I already have that huge backlog of mine that I'm slowly working through. So I don't want to play it enough that I'll actually buy it. And part of the reason is that I feel pretty done with the story, like you.

I wanted this to be good, but every review I've read so far complains about the same things. A shame.

Back as a teenager, the obscure-to-the-point-of-depending-on-FAQs weapon system made me give up... I think it was in the forest maze. I didn't catch on that you need to exclusively use a weapon on a particular enemy type in order to make it work for those, and the breaking point for me came when I forged a weapon that

Hey, the web browser actually doesn't suck now. Good stuff.

Demanding to turn on something that gives you a blended puree-like substance that could easily hide other liquid substances such as spit (if you're lucky), and which causes employees who already don't care much about service (otherwise why would they turn it off early) to possibly (probably) get annoyed with you.

but i want to

I'm sorta torn, looking at the upcoming European release. On the one hand, I'm a sucker for new tech. I therefore want it. On the other hand, gigantic backlog and no games I'm really interested in.

This is nothing new. Disappointing, especially in the case of Mass Effect 3 (which, unlike Ninja Gaiden 3, is an actually GOOD game that deserved a good port). But judging a console off of day 1 ports is... hasty.

Considering that I like to pause the action in order to stack multiple powers for release at the same time anyway, this doesn't strike me as especially useful... Unless they rejigged the online play so you could bring more powers into the field. THAT might be interesting.