It's all about HOW you use it. And this use is funny.
It's all about HOW you use it. And this use is funny.
Woot! Synchronized Laser Swimming for the wins.
Ah, I'll buy it for a high price!
The headline made me think he'd started spreading a "real" curse of some sort via the wiki. Making superstitious people all nervous when they read certain pages. Color me disappointed!
That one guy there used the words "dweebs" and "geeks" within the same post. Un-ironically, as far as I can tell.
I like the implied erection in that sign. Very fitting.
Bwahah. Legitimately funny without resorting to Internets. I like.
While I'll admit being a bit of a layman here, let's go...
"Nyoro~" makes this comic.
Man, that turned out blurrier than intended. Here's a bigger, more readable version.
"NOT THERE!!" cracked me up.
Ahaha, brilliant.
The most accessible way to recover humanity is to help another player beat a boss. This gives you plenty of souls and humanity, AND lets you get practice in fighting said boss.
Goddamn Mario Kart 7. I put the 3DS in my router's DMZ and everything, and the game STILL gets random Communication Errors in the middle of races. All the other stuff in my house works with lasting online play, and so do all the other online-capable games on my 3DS. It's JUST Mario Kart 7 that's somehow incompatible…
The latter half of the game is when it's good. I was pretty much done once I'd completed it, but that was because I'd done all the side-missions I was strong enough for by that point.
I use Photobucket, and haven't had any issues.
I wanna upgrade my Playstation 3 (fat model) hard drive, and so I've been googling for a bit... And there's a lot of talk about both Seagate and Western Digital hard drives being bad news for the PS3. Does anybody have any recommendations as far as brands and such go?
Real-time strategic view + turn-based combat = oh god please let it play like Valkyria Chronicles.