
Hey, you're right. I blame the low-resolution video!

@beanspeppin: You don't suck as much as Bowser in that game.

@Manly McBeeferton: TYD is pretty good, and really funny in places, but I thought it was a little bit bloated. The original is better, even if it promises customization it can't deliver with the badge points. They max out JUST as it starts to look like I can customize Mario enough to matter.

@madammina: KH2 will make him very confused.

If Jesus sees me playing Bible Adventures on the NES, I'll surely be accepted!

I was fine with this until I saw that he used a copy of Super Metroid.

Dear SSF4 3DS easymode Guile/Honda players:

That was funny, but too long. Needs to have a minute or two trimmed away.

You know, I wouldn't mind the push-a-button-do-a-special-move mode in SSF4 3DS if it didn't also come with an auto-block feature. I mean, what the hell? Yes, it gives grey damage, but when a Honda troll is blatantly WALKING FORWARD, and I hit him with a special move that needs to be blocked low, and he BLOCKS IT HIGH

This one falls squarely into the category of "wouldn't it be simultaneously awful and amusing if it happened?" category.

Bob Sagat?

Okay, so Wipeout's a given. Already got R&C and LBP. Wonder if I should go for Infamous or Dead Nation, though... Probably Dead Nation, since I've got a huge backlog as it is, and a more bitesized game is actually more likely to be played.

@Xaxir: You're not missing out on all that much. It feels a little clunky and cheap compared to the full retail R&C games. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I'd hoped.

@Xaxir: I am already there, chillin' with my creepy kid.

If this does worse than Heavy Rain, I shall be Very Disappoint. It's a Rockstar game, though, so I can't really see it doing badly.

@Bubbleman!: One bit of Kotaku that is not yours hadn't heard of these people before, and found the standalone video amusing.

Unless you suffer from motion sickness, in which case it's a calming ticket to barfsville.

Now playing

@PoetsPlight: Only a "maybe" on Demon's Souls? For shame! That game is one of the best experiences available on the platform, period.

Repetitive motions especially tend to invade your head afterwards. Examples include: