
@Incursor: "May you live in interesting times" is generally considered a curse, y'know.

@gigawings: I like the first Mortal Kombat. It's pretty much the perfect fighting game movie in that it sticks to a frankly entertaining (I mean it!) formula of fight, banter, fight, banter, fight, banter, repeat until fade.

Ooh, Christopher Lambert Raiden.

@bjorked: is your savior.

After a month and a half of playing, I think I'm finally getting tired of DC Universe Online. The post-level cap play is getting hella repetitive... There really aren't many instances to choose between, and while changing weapons has made things a touch more interesting (rifle's fun for a healer), this game's grindy.

@DreamcastRIP: Yeah, totally. In the Wind Waker remake, Ganon knocks the sword out of Link's hand, and it ricochets off a wall and accidentally plants itself in Ganon's skull.

@Claw: It's what I like to call Black Metal Title Syndrome. This is where people who want to call their song/album/whatever "black evil doom" but don't want to be unoriginal, dive into a dictionary and either pick out synonyms, or just throw random cool-sounding words in there.

Too bad Shumyah-Gorath is DLC.

Pac-Man made me snicker. The frisbee repeat made me snicker harder. The poor girl sounds so hopeful!

@Zabant: Well, a counter-argument is that in a world without the ability to patch a game, you wouldn't see a game released with THAT amount of bugs.

I'm only impressed if the episode also involves them having to chase down a teddy bear on a hoverboard in order to prevent him from not talking to them.

@Nipah: Well, clearly that's why she needs 16 megatubes. Can't play all the MMOs simultaneously without at least 15.

@vidhagans: Homebrew, methinks. There're custom firmwares up the wazoo, so a simple visual redesign shouldn't be hard.

@Brian Ashcraft: But he speaks the truth! More drumrolls and hot chicks, stat.

But Brian, how do the MAGNETS work?

@ShinAkka: No, no. True Akumas never combo.

Even as rockin' as this looks, any of Akuma's opponents will eventually get tired of seeing it.