
@blaaps: He's got a spaceship for a head?

@Guitarzan2k5: Seeing as I thought the Psychonauts world, script and everything was awesome but the gameplay was meh, and seeing as I thought Brütal Legend had an awesome world and script and everything, but the gameplay was meh...

@TheControlled: Well, of course they're not going to support emulators. I'm just saying that hacking the PSP filled a hole, so to speak.

@Paradox me: Dragon Quest has always been a different beast than the FF series. It's fairly tough (though never horribly so as long as you explore properly), very much based on exploration, and as has been mentioned already, the stories are far more personal than world-altering.

Nice to see the DS and PSP evolving in different directions. Of course, the result is that they're going to be pretty much what the PSP and DS were to one another in this generation, with the DS being the more easily portable one, and the PSP being the more powerful one that can do more stuff.

@devilmed: When they can't/won't make PS3s play PS2 games, I have my doubts.

@metalcaveman: Well, of course, when you've got another guy to draw fire, it's FAR easier :)

Who just beat Maneater in Demon's Souls without resorting to using exploits? Ohhhh yeah. That would be me.

PVP is really very, very seldom about games these days. I follow and enjoy the comic, but I don't think it has a place on this comic page.

I'm torn on Another Videogame Webcomic. On the one hand, the art is pretty awesome. On the other hand, gagwise it's pretty bland and not very surprising so far. So I wound up not voting for it.

Looks very pretty. Also looks like I'd throw up after playing it for more than two minutes. Stupid motion sickness!

@spykereightsix: Depends what you mean by "micromanagement". Demon's Souls is one of those games where you REALLY want to play with a Wiki nearby, seeing as there's an absolute ton of different weapons, and a lot of ways to upgrade the different weapons, and the game pretty much lets you go blind about said options

@EmuRage: Missing out on Pure Black isn't as big a deal for me as missing out on Pure White would've been. I kinda cheated and looked up which areas would have White world events so I could go through most of them while I had the chance... Though to not cheat myself, I've mostly avoided using the stuff I got through

@Sam Taylor: Nope, trust me... The life bar would deplete if it would've killed him in a real match.

Now playing

... I want to see Hard Gay playing this.

I dunno... Is a video really the best way to do this and that "Mario's designs over the ages" post? I mean, I definitely didn't mind watching the designs and all the different board games, but other than the Mario Kart demonstration, it just seems that this would be much better presented as photos, not shakycam

So I've got a US copy of Demon's Souls, playing on a US PS3 in Europe, and I enjoyed the Pure White world tendency while it was on. However, now that Pure Black is supposed to have been turned on for the rest of October, I'm not seeing any of it. It's just back to neutral again.

@jynx2501: Don't you see? It's like school. You're actually in class for a short time, and then you spend the rest of your time studying.