
@Mosaic: So, wait... Pokémon is actually a harem show?

@MrGOH: Yeah. Snape's the one responsible. For both options.

@MrHaru: Well, the Kinect won't give you migraines after playing for half an hour, at least.

@shaunmcilroy: That's a weird way to advertise it, though. If what you're getting is the Playstation Plus subscription for 20 bucks less than it actually costs, then THAT would be what they'd be advertising.

If you've got a TV that's 40 inches or bigger, you'll want to be sitting roughly six feet from it anyway. Eight feet for multiplayer, though? Ouch.

@CubemonkeyNYC: The best water nation starts out in a crappy place and has to use the water to dominate? Hey, that sounds like an INTERESTING scenario.

Never mind the MMOs... If the price isn't insane, and that D-pad and those buttons are comfortable to use, I could easily see this thing being the perfect emulator machine.

GTA4! Starring: Sneersy, Earsy and Clocksy.

@MrHaru: Whatever's cheapest?

I clicked on the article link fully prepared to comment that "Asking the Japanese 'what's up with the tentacles' is like asking the Americans 'what's up with the guns and bald space marines'."

@Pattypie: Uncharted 2 had a few of these, and a few of the die-if-you-don't-move-fast-enough bits. The collapsing building under attack from a helicopter, anyone? Uncharted 2 wasn't directly hard, but besides a couple of sections where you had all the time in the world, what the game did RIGHT was to force you to

@archronos: Here in Europe, at least, the Android marketplace is first and foremost geared towards FREE stuff. The result is that it's kinda like looking through a homebrew site with very few restrictions or quality control. Buying programs seems to be done as much by searching for them outside the phone as through

@DrakeDatsun: According to what I've read about the 3DS, it'll have access to the DSi download catalogue.

@dracosummoner: A little bit Rayman, a little bit Mickey's Magical Quest, a little bit Lomax the Lemming. Hopefully it measures more up to Rayman and Mickey than Lomax.

Why does Garfield hate Mondays? He doesn't even work! This! Does not! Make sense!

@Jandau: To be fair, they are taking the essence of a game and messing it up. While I'm sure the amount of fapfap fans are greater among the Idolmaster fandom, I don't think it's the ENTIRE story.

@HitBit: Yyyyeah, they're not making a 2-DVD Idolmaster game. That'd be dumb of them. It's just not the kinda game that you put out on a double-DVD release.

@ieatbabies: Yeah. The 1UP places you at the start of the level again, but eating the super mushroom means that not only can you survive damage, but as long as it's not a bottomless pit or lava, you can take a bullet, and all that happens is that you shrink and then you're invincible for a few seconds. Bullets