
A top 10 videogame would hold up as well today as when it came out. And honestly, Doom just isn't fun to play any more. Revolutionary? Sure. Best thing ever when it came out? Sure. It fits all the criteria of Best Game Ever except for what's perhaps the most important one to me: I don't enjoy playing it.

Mind you, these are all the current costumes, not the really-new ones. Though some of them haven't been released yet.

@Pope John Peeps II: Is this the same episode where they have to chase down a hoverboarding teddy bear in Second Life because apparently that forces him to talk to them or something?

@Laodicea-Dude: Some other guy is probably responsible for it.

Sometimes it's the games you don't expect, too. Like Street Fighter 4, after having practiced for a while trying to get Rufus' FADC-Ultra combo down.

@judacris: PhoenixWright uses OBJECTION!

@Kobun: From info posted in the Loketest thread on, Genei Jin is his super, and it works pretty much like it did in 3S. It just won't be triggered three times a match, since SF4 meter building isn't as fast

@Mit: I was fooled, too. Would make perfect sense, too. Though out of all manga/animes to get a cover that packed and also get a top selling spot, I'm not surprised it's OP.

@SallySalyu: Ivankov's appearance in the manga totally turned me off the entire series forever.

@DRaGZ: "Gigant" is a non-English way of saying "giant". One Piece regularly takes its attack names and whatnot from a range of languages, including French and Spanish.

@AV-WAVE: Oooh. You're about to get hit with a scorcher. Don't worry, though, it remains good.

You're clearly missing the most important and useful 'stache out there: The Mario.

@Arnheim: Oh, but you see, if it isn't exactly the same as all the other Castlevania games, then it's not a Castlevania game! I mean, if there's ANY series that's stayed the same all these years, it's Castlevania. It certainly never introduced new stuff like mixing the formula with Metroid and putting Dracula's son

My guess: Some of the fighters for Tekken VS Street Fighter will be revealed. That's about it.

@OfficerJesus: I've got a PSP. And a DS Lite. But, see, Sony wants the PSP line to remain strong until the end. So did Nintendo with the DS.

@TheRealDoshu: Actually, I've been corrected further up. Seems that the PSPs above the 1000 model don't have removable analogue nubs, according to LordAkela. If you've got the first-edition, fat PSP, though, then mod away.

@LordAkela: Oh! My bad. Hmm. I wonder why they did that, though. Is the nub better on the newer PSPs, or the same except not removable?

Uh-oh, she has a divekick. People gonna complain, Rufus/Cammy-style.

Concave nub is nice, but did they actually modify the stick beyond that? Because, you know, if they just stuck a concave nub on the regular analogue nub-spot, it's been possible to get concave nubs from third-party manufacturers since the PSP was released.