@RedCarmine: The image and the other comments made me misread this as "Someone needs to take this woman's penis away". And I almost took it for granted that that was actually what you wrote. Because. Well. Yeah.
@RedCarmine: The image and the other comments made me misread this as "Someone needs to take this woman's penis away". And I almost took it for granted that that was actually what you wrote. Because. Well. Yeah.
@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: I'll have to disagree with you on the lack of friction in Super Metroid. Yes, the regular running and jumping has an odd floaty feel (that carried over to the Smash Bros versions of Samus, weirdly), but the dash boots, once you get them, really, really feel good. Particularly once you…
@Chewblaha: Well, I meant that Cake replaces Still Alive as that one horseman :)
@avprox777: "Toasty", actually.
@Chewblaha: I thought cake (and it being a lie) was that horseman. It's way way way way way more overused.
@LucasReis: Actually, I'm pretty sure I've got you on my PSN already :)
@LucasReis: I would, but I'm in Norway and you're in South America, was it? Sadly, the only decent connections I get are fellow Scandinavians and Europeans <: )
Okay, I'm taking a break from the online portion of Super Street Fighter 4. The reason being: Dear lord, people, learn some new characters!
@Weylund: Another vote for the Phoenix Wright series here.
@Magical_Monkey: It was also about genetic experiments and why we shouldn't do them, especially not on aliens. Also female half-alien Jesus just died, but who cares LET'S GO SNOWBOARDING!
Breaking news! EA Sports answers by trademarking "walk", "run", "jump", "play" and all inflections of said verbs.
I bought a couple of those Dragon Ball Z fighting games for the PS1 for 1 Norwegian krone each. That's a little less than a sixth of a dollar.
@Shin-GO: Secret of Mana, without a doubt. Simply for the fact that no game has so many good memories attached to it, from me and a childhood friend playing through it at least a couple of times together, as well as playing through it on my own a few times.
@robotecm: To me, it is a waste of money, as I've already got a massive backlog between my Wii and PS3 alone, let alone my DS and PSP. There are games I'd like to play for the 360, but not enough that I need to get one.
@Shadowstep: Casuals don't really hate on much, but hardcore gamers will hate on the casual movement for making games less, I dunno... complicated.
@Stinkface: Your wife wants to get a Wii. Your kids would enjoy the Wii. You would enjoy certain games on the Wii. Get a Wii.
@Interstella5555: With the PS3 and Wii, you ought to be looking to the download store.
@ZFK: Plus, you get the PS1 games how they're SUPPOSED to be, rather than the crap PAL conversions we get here.
@wrexingcrew: I'm not sure. It looks a little floaty/awkward to play, kinda like a PS1/early PS2-era 2.5D platformer. But, I'll reserve judgement until it's actually released.
@jayunreal: Viewtiful Joe is a love-it-or-meh-it case. For me, it was sorta meh. Plus, it only had two games. So, short series + niche series = some people will rage about its non-inclusion on the Internet, but let's face it, it can't in any way be counted as one of Capcom's greatest series.