@Trygle12's posts considered harmful!: I'm just happy that my main man Rufus finally got something to counter fireballers. No more being forced to traverse fireballs only to get a Shoryuken in the face!
@Trygle12's posts considered harmful!: I'm just happy that my main man Rufus finally got something to counter fireballers. No more being forced to traverse fireballs only to get a Shoryuken in the face!
@Trygle12's posts considered harmful!: On beginner tiers, the shotos are easy to win with thanks to shoryukens, possibly the best antiair in the game and easy to mash out as a reversal. They're also the face of Street Fighter.
@KillaB43: Sakura is FAR from Ryu. Ryu (in SF4) is defined by Hadoken and LP Shoryuken and easy-to-combo-into Ultra. Sakura is free on wakeup thanks to her Shououken being more of a combo tool, and her fireballs are nearly useless.
@Resso: Gears of War Extreme Beach Volleyball.
@drewskybrewsky: Battlefield Earth is so ridiculously bad it's awesome. It's MST3K-worthy.
Drink-your-own-pee QTE confirmed.
Considering that people don't remember the illustrations, but the graphics... Shouldn't these be more square-headed?
@C22DBlueKnightOne: In Japan, he IS an androgynously pretty hero, apparently.
@ForsakenShadow: There's a discussion on this game not being canon to the main series, so...
@seventyfourmanx: Like that but with Darth Maul-style double lightsabers. Most impractical/awesome thing since swordchucks.
@ForsakenShadow: Hey, it won't be the first game to make the bad ending canon. Shadow Hearts 2 did the same, and was a more interesting game for it.
@DAS: The point is enjoying the story for what it is, I guess? If your main worry is whether or not the game can affect upcoming Star Wars novels or make for cameos in other spinoff shows, then, uh... How do you enjoy games at all?
@sheepdeshinya: Uh. First he moves one arm to his side, then the other? It's not hard.
@TheKleiner: Eh, that's par for the course for Europe. Wait around for a little bit, and you might find Amazon or [Play.com] selling it for 10-15 Euro.
@roll41: They also need bigger feet.
Looks like Ken has a touch of the Sylar. Granted, that would explain a lot.
@graavigala: I don't see ANYTHING wrong with the English dubbing I can't see how anyone would find THIS way of speaking unnatural you must not be used to HEARING humans speak.
@Lanhoj: Most of the Micromasters were pretty crap, really. I actually had one of those, except in a different color.
Man. That's a painful-looking merging. The kind where Mario, or anyone else who has to go through it, has only one thing to say: