
@drag: Yeah, online play is what did it. That, and rereleases. SSF4 is, like the downloadable MvC2 and SSF2HD, also a game for the fans. The fans bought SF4, and got annoyed unlocking their favorites from earlier games. Having to do it all over again, with MORE characters, would be supremely annoying.

@Russell_Crowe86: Ohhh, nono. Never going to happen. What would Gamestop do with all those SF4 copies? :)

@Russell_Crowe86: Well, it's not like we were ever going to get something gameplay-related! Best we could've hoped for was some free costumes, I think... There's a fine balance between nice rewards and stuff that makes the people who don't get it go "'Ere, WOT!?"

@Point-3: I did it twice for each time you encountered her. Turns out that when you return to her chamber the second time, doing it with her is more difficult, and you get another big exp-boost for completing it.

@Russell_Crowe86: People with SF4 game saves can apparently select different graphical filters in SSF4, akin to what the PC version of vanilla SF4 did.

@Weezle41: Order of Ecclesia is actually mostly straight-up action until about the halfway point. Though that's also not very old-school, since it involves mostly magic-chucking in place of the whipping.

@josh6135: The game isn't bad. Though if it weren't for the fact that it's endlessly funny, I doubt I'd play it all the way through. There's just this general... awkwardness about it all. A little too much wandering back and forth, a little too awkward jumping and wandering and fighting. I loved the story and the

@CrazyHaze: If you manage to convince the kid to main Hakan, I will love you much yes.

@Teira: And also, take out that stupid all-over-the-world fetch quest at the end.

@Shinryoma: I don't see why not. They've got experience points.

@skitzogreg: Careful. "Edgy" means that he'll be doing more stuff like "Otherworld".

@PS1: Somehow, it feels wrong that there's not an explosion behind them.

@VincentGrey: Dammit, how did I miss your comment before I posted mine? Oh well. Minute differences will have to do.

Extreme Edges, huh?

@ttocs: Hey, if that was your intention, then I still recommend anything Studio Ghibli put out. They're thoughtful movies.

@MrPerson: No, no, you don't get to double post. That's naughty.

Now playing

@ttocs: If your criteria is that "kids aren't able to watch it", then you're missing out. Oh dear lord, you're missing out.

@LucasReis: It hasn't been released yet in Europe, but it's on its way here. Four days now. Just four days.